I want to do a little thread about social housing because the idea of a council house as "somewhere poor people get given for free coz they can't afford to buy their own" is nahhhhhht accurate. This won't take long and I'll keep it super-simple because there's isn't much to know.
Social housing at its heart is state-owned and state-built housing that keeps communities hella mixed. The idea originally was "the butcher lives next door to the banker" etc.
At the moment if you work an alright paid job you still will struggle to pay rent in a lot of areas because rental prices are through the roof and the people making cash-dollar from it are all private landlords.
New social housing developement means environmentally-friendly homes could be built and ordinary working people, ya know, the ones Tories claim to care so much about could live in them, paying rent that goes back in to the system rather than in to pockets of private landlords.
Those landlords then buy new properties and rent them to people who can't afford to buy at very high prices. I can no longer live in London on my income which is significantly higher than it was 7 years ago when I rented a room in a flatshare in south London (that had mice).
If more housing was publicly owned it could transform the country relatively quickly. This isn't a matter of "build more homes to give away to scroungers", it never was and you've been sold that lie for 40 years.
I hope this makes some sense. In a nutshell, it isn't pie in the sky free stuff, it's a sensible option, one that we used to have and was taken away because it wasn't profitable for big business. We could have it again. And with sweet AF broadband n all.
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