HUNTER MODE & FOCUS (and why there's no such thing as 'stubborn fat')

For the last two weeks:

Lunch - six raw eggs, tin of fish, apple, pear or pepper
Supper - soup, fish, 2 eggs, vegetable
two coffees & water

Result: Waist fat burnt off - gone. Didn't have much 2 begin with
I have six pack when I'm *sitting* - relaxing. Even fat on my face has dropped.

Have been writing from 6am to 1pm. Absolute focus. No need for a break for 7 hours. Mind is clear and focus. Not tired. Not hungry.

Body has gone into primal hunter-mode; something which modern..
eating hides. I wonder how many other survival/evolutionary mechanisms are covered up by (high carb) constant eating?

Did circuit training in sunday. Easy.

I'm 58 - feel like a King - Living Wild in the middle of the City.
Note: two meals are in a 5/6 hr window

The idea that anyone needs to calorie count to lose weight is based on using an incorrect model of how to eat. It makes sense in their world. But their world is not the right world.

When you use the wrong model, everything you do...
...makes sense. That's why wrong models are so dangerous.

We need to use the principles of natuarl systems not 'dietary guidelines'
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