1/ If you have an innate predisposition (+ve/-ve) , skill, tendency or talent - it may be that you have to wait until your greater environment provides the key to unlock it.

Just imagine all those Indian coders and software guys who 100yrs ago wd have been poor farmers/.workers
2/ would they have been 'successful' anyway as human capability is not one-dimensional? Would Bill Gates been anyone if he'd been born in 1500?

If Usain Bolt had been born in West Africa 250yrs ago - he wouldn't have been an Olympic sprinter - maybe a slave.
3/ If you've been told (or believe) you have a predisposition for obesity, T2D, Cancer, Heart Disease, Inflamm disorders - it's not the predisposition which is a problem but the environment the ''predisposition' finds itself in.
4/ There's not much you can do to change the greater environment, but you can change your personal environment.

Create your own bubble or force-field against the environment which turns your predispositions against u; and find the environment where your talents can be realised
5/ Note: The internet/technology has opened up an environment which allows all the previous 'nobodies' in history to find something which expresses their talents.

Something new in the history of humanity. Opportunity is everywhere.

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