There’s this group of servers who’ve decided this is their after-shift bar. Cool. Servers tip. Don’t cause problems. It’s like an industry thing.
Yeah not these motherfuckers.
They tip for shit and build campsites blocking thruways or passthrus. And they order like three drinks each at last call so I have to come over at 2:15 and watch them “just one last chug” their drinks.
By that point, the lights are on. Music’s off. I’ve got half the chairs up but we can’t deal with cash cause they’re still in the goddamn bar. So after hey, if you can head for the door got nothing. I said, guys. Seriously. How do you feel about customers who linger past close.
Apparently that is the literally the rudest thing they’ve ever heard. Every. They discussed it. Rude. They’d never treat someone like that.
And then the head server told on me. Straight up went to my boss who’s waiting to pull the drawers.
We’re still closed and they’re still in the bar. I’m cleaning the patio and she’s telling the manager that I’m rude. So rude. He waited until she was done and told them to get the fuck out.
I don’t know who she’s gonna tell now.
I still can’t believe she fucking ran and told on me. And thought it would matter.
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