This is the only endangered animal that is endangered because of themselves.
Somehow I become super conservative about pandas.

It's called personal responsibility. Get a job and stop falling off things!
No wild animal is going to eat a panda because they're that pathetic.
These two pandas were having sex and then a third panda falls out of a tree while eating and then all the pandas start fighting over bamboo. This is why they're endangered.
Panda Diplomacy be like...
Pandas are like very cute men who are really dumb. But also they're bad at sex. They're terrible.
When you're sick of being erased by a group that stole your name and is trying to destroy itself.
How are you a giant panda getting bullied by a squirrel about capitalism?!

Also, in a different episode Mama Panda wishes her son were a capybara in a boy band because Panda is that lazy. Like real pandas.
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