i would never cast aspersions on the state of Arkansas but this seems like a bizarrely high number of National Register of Historic Places sites? almost as many as California? twice as many as neighbouring Oklahoma?
did Bill Clinton just go around whacking preservation orders on anything more than 20 years old? (if so, good for him)
this is the first NRHP site in Arkansas, which suggests my suspicions may be well-grounded
*me, crying*: you can't just put anything you like on the national register of historic places

*the state of Arkansas, pointing at a 3ft high curved wall built in the late 30s for a defunct highway rest area*: that's on the national register of historic places now
i am learning a lot about the limits of my previously pretty robust "đź‘ŹPRESERVEđź‘ŹBUILDINGSđź‘Ź" ideology from Arkansas
also stop listing your confederate monuments, you fucks
is this house worth listing? not really. is the name Nesburt T Ruggles worth listing?

f u c k y e s
arkansas has two separate "Bill Clinton childhood home" NRHPs which is pretty on-brand
uncritical support for the Upper South's weird-ass tradition of tiny county jails and American Legion halls and whatever being designed as toy castles
this is how one pictures the angel of history. his face is turned toward the past. where we perceive a chain of events, he sees one single catastrophe which keeps piling wreckage upon wreckage and hurls it in front of his feet. the angel would like to stay, awaken the dead, and m
i tell you what, bizarre as it is, the Arkansas list is a hell of a lot less depressing than the Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana lists which i have also been reading and which are 90% immaculate plantation houses and 10% derelict jazz history landmarks
a challenger to Nesburt T Ruggles has entered the ring
really though Arkansas, come on now
aaaaaare yoooooouuuu reeeeaaaaaaaady for another day of snarky content about historic preservation norms in the state of arkansas?

*crowd goes absolutely apeshit*
Little Rock has more NRHP sites than Charleston, Richmond VA, or New Orleans. right, sure, yeah
the actual little rock is listed
scott county has not one but two historic cattle dipping vats
what was Gillham going to do if more than one person broke the law
no wait, there are THREE former Bill Clinton homes on the Arkansas NRHP
Arkansas, I am begging you
Arkansas! you've lost the history!
(specifically, this history)
and quite a lot of the rest of the history too
I believe I have now looked at every single National Register of Historic Places listing in the great state of Arkansas. Phew.
fwiw, the foregoing thread is mostly snark, and Arkansas *does* seem to list very generously - there are 3x as many NRHPs per head in Arkansas than in the US on average. but erring on the side of preservation is Good, and there are some gorgeous things on the list
as @mcmansionhell so wisely points out, All Buildings Are Interesting, and the preservation of all sorts of buildings and building types, great and small, will be a gift to the future
gonna snark about Oklahoma next tho
Also, obviously this ends in a poll. Specifically, best historic Arkansas house owner name -
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