im gonna write down all the albums im working on right now so i can get all of them finished and released by the end of the year
Rain, the synthpop opera about fandoms, thats basically done, should be out in a week and a half
i have a B-Sides album to Rain for all the songs i cut out because it didnt fit the tone of the album but i still like the songs themselves. Rain is mostly serious but these songs were too silly and cynical so i put them all on a containment chamber
an acoustic folk rock/orchestral chamber pop album, because i wanna take a break from using synths after making Rain. probably gonna be called "Antagonst." i have most of it written and its this dark self reflective album about all the people who hate me on the internet
these next two are probably going to be released together because theyre both really short and work together well thematically: a sad-boi hiphop album and a techno house album
i dont listen to enough rap music, especially trap. i think id like it if it wasnt for certain tropes. so im gonna try to use the two elements of trap music that i hate the most: 808 drums and vocoders, and turn them into storytelling devices, and get to appreciate them better
it might feel a bit gimmicky. its gonna play out like, siblings passing letters to each other. the brother is represented by these low-key suicidal cloud rap ballads, and every other song is the sister, represented by abrasive trap pop bangers
this is the first album im writing that has, like, characters, and plot beats every 3 songs or so, like an actual story
the techno album is a complete contrast to that sad rap album. its inspired by "Winter Beats" by Eric Taxxon, which is this 37 minute of perfect concentrated pop techno music
this album's lyrics are going to purely consist of 280 letters long inspirational, motivational life lessons. because the other four that comes before are pretty sad and dark and bittersweet but that doesnt actually reflect who i am, not really
i have like a dozen more ideas, but those five are the ones in production currently. maybe ill take a short break after finishing them and for 2019 ill do something else other than constantly work on albums
i dont really grasp the concept of "breaks," cause if i take a break for one thing i get invested on another thing immediately. i have to be constantly making stuff. im addicted. it is a curse. it is my Way of Life
oh and im gonna have to list down the albums i have to be listening to over and over again to get into the mood of writing these
Rain: Mobius Trip and Hadron Kaleido by Michael Guy Bowman, Spirit Phone by Lemon Demon, Pale Machine by bo en, Everything Will Be Alright in the End by weezer, Abbey Road by the Beatles, Solid State by Jonathan Coulton (the last three are more conceptually)
Antagonist: I Love You Honeybear by Father John Misty, Pet Sounds by the Beach Boys, Pop Food by Jack Stauber, Out of the Blue by Electric Light Orchestra, Marvin's Marvelous Mechanical Museum by Tally Hall, Artificial Heart by Jonathan Coulton
the sad hip hop album: 808s and Heartbreak by Kanye West, Ghosts of Midwinter Ballers by Trial of the Golden Witch, good kid maad city by Kendrick Lamar, Splendor & Misery by clipping

the inspirational techno album: Winter Beats by Eric Taxxon, Homework by Daft Punk
i am going to bookmark this fucking thread so i can really get through my thick skull that working on an album for over a year isnt going to help me
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