We must not capitulate to political machinations of this vile, settler, white supremacist administration. Those of us who have privilege to think beyond immediate survival must make it clear that these political forces win when they reduce our discourse to defending our humanity.
Debating our humanity with a political machine (and those who are its minions) is a losing game. They will never recognize our humanity bc our infrahumanity structures their very existence.
We have to recognize that these skilled tactics of framing the plane of battle are attempts to corner us into moving away from indicting the very nation's existence.
As #dreamhampton once said: "Never waste your time trying to explain who you are to people who are committed to misunderstanding you." #CentralAmericanTwitter.
We need to remember that our people, who are viscerally impacted by the actions of current administration and the once dating back to the mid 19th centuries have been re-imagining and constructing alternate visions of humanity since forever.
I'm also reminded of another quote/lyric that captures my thoughts on yest/oday re MSX3:
"So I'm so pro gang it might scare a muthaf****a
Cause I fix the misconception that the enemies are brothers"

Upset the Setup - @BambuDePistola
So remember, the latest discursive attacks on our people, our vulnerable communities are not new. They are also being lobbed on behalf of a nation-state that is immoral in its very existence, rotten to its very core.
We must celebrate our peoples' resistance, rebellions,and audacity to live and attempts to make life in the face of centuries of dispossession and systematic violence.
We must not allow this political moment (rooted in previous ones) to dictate and further amplify the fissures and borders that exist within our communities. We can't aid in project of upholding a calculus that tells who is worth fighting for and who isn't.
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