Humans keep looking for signs of life that “look like us” or “seem like us”. I suspect our current state of existence is like a “flash in the pan” before we become much more advanced & perhaps undetectable to our current & more primitive selves. #AlienLife #Future #SETI #Science
Can a fish detect the cars on the road, let alone even “imagine” them? To the fish, the concept of living on land might as well be living in a different universe. We too, I think, are like the fish. We couldn’t possibly imagine how different/advanced an alien intelligence may be.
Furthermore, we continually try to create “intelligence” in our own image... READ: #AI.

AI operates in a completely different “universe” from our consciousness. AI might operate on entire intranets & thus a connected IoT device might as well be a “finger” of the greater being.
This is where it gets interesting, because, in many ways, it resembles #evolution at the microscopic level. It is almost as if the connected IoT devices & ourselves are becoming “cells” of the whole entity. In the same way that single-celled organisms joined into multi-celled.
Perhaps the greater being already exists, but we are like individual cells in our body trying to “comprehend” the concept of the whole. Perhaps the development of the internet is just like the development of a nervous system in a multi-celled organism.
So, the development of #technology might be a natural outgrowth of evolution, and perhaps its next phase. Our definition of evolution may merely apply to what we see as the natural world around us, not realizing that technology is just “future nature”.
We, as individual humans, couldn’t possibly comprehend a “world-mind” that might be the result of this next phase of growth and evolution. Therefore, how could we possibly look for such an incomprehensible intelligence in the universe? #SETI #Aliens #AI #Science
Connectivity and exchange of information, however primitive or advanced, is the prime-mover in collective consciousness.
Social networks are collective minds. (I’m not saying that they’re intelligent. 🤓)
Nature is technology. Technology is nature. #Future
Case in point that technology is the “nature” of the future. The evolution thereof is less random & more directed.
What the late #DavidBowie speaks of here is in large part what I’m trying to impart about #Connectivity & the #Internet.

The internet is a substrate for the Intelligence Explosion that is, perhaps errantly defined as “the singularity”. @timberners_lee
Could the development of these cities be representative of the increasing activity of a fledgling #CollectiveMind or #WorldMind? Think in terms of neuronal activity in a biological brain... #Singularity #IntelligenceExplosion
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