Happy Mother’s Day, did you know I wrote a heroine with a living mom who plays an active role in the story ONLY BECAUSE I was super-sick of there being no moms in histrom? I did! And then the mom got her own book, see:

Now I will blather about moms a bit, DEAL WITH IT.
Moms are whole people. They were whole persons before their kids ever came along, with entire universes of experience that have nothing to do with their children. But when we are the kid (or are only friends with the kid) we rarely ever remember that
When we see a woman in her role as a mom, she so often gets reduced to just that. So people saw the mom character in the first book and hated her, because they only saw her mom-ness, and what kind of a mom they thought she should be
And meanwhile IRL I was seeing my girlfriends who are moms, and I’d look at their children and think, “Kid, you’ll never have ANY CLUE exactly how magnificent your mother is.” But they *can’t* really know, ever, and that’s okay.
But for me, the onlooker who sees a whole woman with a whole life before (and after) that kid fills her days, the requisite & unavoidable self-centeredness of the child role is very frustrating.
I say this all as someone who was very late to get an idea of how magnificent her own mother is, and I recognize I’m incapable of knowing much of her outside of her mom-ness. That’s just how it is.
Anyway I had no intentions of writing a whole book for the mom character (who by now is a grandmom) but she was all “Oh, bitch, you’re gonna ignore me? What happened to Moms Deserve Stories Too, Huh? You think I'm gonna just go away? HAVE YOU MET ME.”
And full disclosure: I didn’t write her story because Moms Deserve Stories Too. I wrote it because, well, you just don’t ignore Eluned. She will burn this motherfucker down. To the bedrock.
Also because she had a long-lost love whose heart I had to take care of, too, and who was pining for her - which I never expected, but that’s my point: Moms are full of surprises. Grandmoms are even more full of em.
So in conclusion: I wrote a book, it’s my favorite of my books, please write more moms falling in love, historical romance writers, The End.
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