I'm really disappointed in how many of y'all are so uncritical of seeing Brooklyn Nine-Nine for what it is: an interracial police buddy comedy meant to make white & Black cops seem like your friendly neighborhood jokesters (& to culturally gentrify "Brooklyn" as sitcom fodder).
I've only seen it a couple of times, but damn: that was some GOOD propaganda. The messages I took out of it:

— White cops like Andy Samberg & Chelsea Peretti are funny & kind!
— Black cops like Andre Braugher & Terry Crews are funny!

Why can't we all get along just like them?
Remember DRAGNET? "The Los Angeles Police Department was deeply involved in every stage of Dragnet’s production, from start to finish." The cop on TV is a VERY powerful form of social control—and I can't imagine a better one than Brooklyn Nine-Nine. https://timeline.com/dragnet-lapd-propaganda-cop-bb19d9a5fb6f
But Brooklyn Nine-Nine is an even more effective form of social control than Dragnet. Jack Webb was a stoic white man—stern & unfunny & alone. But I seen so many of y'all on here—many of you Black Lives Matter suppoerts & social critics!—unreflectively singing Brooklyn's renewal.
Which means Brooklyn Nine-Nine has worked: at a moment police are KILLING 3, 4 people A DAY(!!!!)—and disproportionately poor people at that—a TV show is popular to counter that.

To make cops funny & lovable...and interracial cops at that!
Black Twitter ought to be dragging Dragnet-like Brooklyn Nine-Nine.

Instead, Brooklyn Nine-Nine is trending on here as a DIVERSITY SUCCESS STORY.


Why do white people feel entitled to call the police in Brooklyn, Oakland, Yale, on a college tour, etc?

Because they've been cultured to believe that the police are there to reinforce their comfort.

Brooklyn Nine-Nine is doing the cultural to convince them of this truth.
One would hope, when there are stories every DAY about police killing Black people & others, that viewing public would look at Brooklyn Nine-Nine and say, "Not today, Satan." Instead, they hail it as a diverse comedy success story. And this dulls your ability to critique cops.
I mean, why not a comedy about ICE? Where we see Hispanic and white cops laying practical jokes for each other, & a woman ICE officer sidekick who doesn't get respected...between rounding up Mexican American families? And once every few, a SERIOUS EPISODE (TM) in which...
...we learn about racist ICE officers, @KevinMKruse?

Nah, that wouldn't work—cuz that would humanize the structure of ICE's racism & inure the public to the harm of ICE itself.

I feel the same way about the buddy cop show. To much death & pain for me to laugh. Too much death.
Look at these two images side by side.

i just can't imagine the horror of the one on the left (and the rage it should blast through out the society) isn't meant to be mitigated by the image on the right.
Oh, how I LONGED to see a headline like this...except, like, something more along the lines of "America saves Black people from racist police killings after outcry online"
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