How did we as Marvel fans let a show that featured Tony Stark’s extravagant, slutty father and his poorly behaved pet flamingo get cancelled
When Steve *clenches fist* Steve godDAMN Rogers jumps on that dummy grenade when all those dumb strong babies ran away I cannot control my emotions and also feel true fear for Avengers 4
As much as I love this movie and Steve in general, I’ll never stop laughing at the general premise which is

Nazis: Our goal is to use dubious science to create our ideal of a superior man—tall, blonde, and dominant above others

America: hold my beer
The Star-Spangled-Man sequence is hilarious because it’s Steve slowly accepting his role as a symbol through entertainment but also a meta-prophesy of Chris Evans being trapped in the Hollywood cycle as Captain America which is a process he notoriously detests. Let him nap.
I never picked up that Gabe from the Howling Commandos mentions that he took German and French at Howard.

Howard University canonically exists in the MCU.

Can you imagine the dorm room debates over Rhodey? The worship of Falcon? HOWARD STUDENTS FINDING OUT ABOUT WAKANDA
Woof, i just got to the vibranium shield scene and I’m still confused about how Stark got his hands on it in the first place. The vibranium used to make Vision was stolen by Klaue when he killed W’kabi’s parents (i think) but where did the 1940 stash come from?
The final fight with [redacted] is funnier in light of infinity war because i really need a scene of Steve going to [redacted] and being like...”oh so THAT’s what happened, I’ve been wondering.”
I also have a hard theory about Steve’s awakening which is that Nick Fury made the fake hospital/ nurse slightly inconsistent (her tie/hair is all kinds of wrong) to see if Steve still had his smarts, which is telegraphed earlier by the two times Steve asks “is this a test?”
If you think I’m not renting the winter soldier right now and keeping this thread up you’re a fucking lunatic
I actually have a soft spot for winter soldier. in 2014 I had my final interview with BuzzFeed and felt so good about it that i treated my broke self to seeing CAtWS at the 42nd street AMC. Weeks later I got the job and started my career as a professional internet screamer.
Haha whatever you do don’t think about how Sam Wilson is Steve’s first non-Avengers friend in 72 years!!! Mackie is so charismatic in this movie, I think he’s a highly underrated casting choice in the MCU because he sells being the ultimate, immediate ride or die for a Good Buddy
I also love how Sam is like “wow must have been hard being defrosted” and Steve wants to nope out of a probably exhausting convo but Sam is talking about coming back as a veteran, not a man out of time and Steve feels seen for the first time in decades 🙃🙃🙃
Qualitative evidence that Sam is the first black man to approach Steve about what should be on his List.

I also treasure any real life pop culture refs that exist in MCU canon so these are all Good To Know
Wow they really messed up giving Natasha and Bruce the romantic subplot in Ultron (i mean...they messed up a lot in Ultron) because from the first glance Falcon and Widow have that duende know what i mean
Steve speaks French for a second to Batroc the Leaper in this movie and he could have only learned some French from Howard alum Gabe Jones, who speaks it fluently in Cap 1.

Between this and Agents of Shield i think Gabe is the howling commando with the most posthumous influence
Nick Fury: “last time i trusted someone I lost an eye”

....Get hype for Captain Marvel y’all.
Oh boy don’t tell me SmallSteve was 5 foot 4 anyone who listens @ThirstAidKit knows how i feel about a small adult man

(check out the latest episode of thirst aid kit, I talk about about a small man on it!!!)
Steve Rogers in the Smithsonian is peak “If there’s a reason I’m still alive when everyone who loves me has died, then I’m willing to wait for it.”


Tell me this is a gifset somewhere
A gentle nod to the screenwriters for Nick Fury being a middle aged black man looking at cops giving him shit and sarcastically asking if they want to see his lease.

Nick Fury has “fuck you” money and “fuck you” power and he still knows what the dealio is.
Remember when we thought they killed Nick Fury halfway through Cap 2?

LOL never, he’s Nick Fur—

Wait wait wait

Oh god

Hey I’m still on my Nick Fury bullshit so Pierce’s story about Nick disobeying a direct order to save prisoners is a direct ref to Steve saving the 107th in Cap 1, which is why Steve trusts Fury implicitly from now through the rest of the MCU.
Nick Fury has the same ideals as Steve which is why they make such a wonderful team, Fury is just esconced in politics at this point but he has the heart of someone who wants to save lives.

I cannot WAIT for Captain Marvel Nick Fury because I’ll bet we’ll see him being That Guy
Marvel does this thing with Cap and with Luke Cage where they don’t pretend that the dudes aren’t extraordinarily good looking and the scene with the guy in the Apple Store who is like “mmmf, specimen” is one of my favorite ones because it’s like YES, obviously, Cap is a god.
Minor IW spoiler but the scene where Thor meets the Guardians is also wonderful because of this, no one needs to suspend their disbelief that any human person wouldn’t lose their shit around Marvel heroes because they are GORGEOUS and humans are visual animals.
captain calling Zola a German scientist and a literal computer facsimile of his consciousness being like “FIRST OF ALL, I AM SWISS” is one of the most underrated jokes in the MCU
That said, the Zola Computer is a dumb concept and this whole plot point is stupid, stupid, stupid
Oh my gooddddd Bucky is so cool oh my god idc what he’s up to he’s objectively the coolest guy in the universe
Shout out to Sebastian Stan’s handsome Romanian ass for having the only good movie Eastern European language accent ever, he’s a good boy who does good work
I also did not catch on until now that Bruce Banner developed the drug that helped fake Fury’a death, I LOVE CORPORATE SYNERGY IN ENTERTAINMENT
While we’re talking....Hydra is the Templars from assassin’s creed, right? They have the exact same goals and methodology but are perhaps better at not being detected.
An aside from my boyfriend, who has come home to me watching the scene where Cap steals his old uniform, and I quote:

“YES BITCH, you squeeze into that outfit with your dynamite pecs!”
A beautiful shout out to the SHIELD guy who wouldn’t launch the helicarriers, the same guy turns up in Age of Ultron on Nick’s ship so I want six seasons and a movie about this Hufflepuff government boy who trusts in the captain’s orders.
When I first watched this movie I saw the scene where Natasha impersonates that lady on Pierce’s council and didn’t see the twist coming so I was just like “who is this bomb-ass 65 year old smokeshow who wrecked an entire conference room” and was disappointed with the reveal.
Second aside from Boyfriend as Bucky murders cap’s air support:

“Bucky you piece of shit.....

...Bucky you very efficient piece of shit!”
The only thing gayer than the ending of Captain America: The Winter Solider is Harry Potter and the Cursed Child
One of the other low-key funny moments at the end of WS is Natasha telling Steve he should call Sharon Carter and Steve is like “oh...yeah, what was her name again” because LOL Steve has zero interest in that woman and it’s blatantly apparent.
Side notes from Winter Soldier: I have an affinity for Jasper Sitwell because he resembles my first boyfriend, who was also involved in military intelligence and would also CERTAINLY have been Hydra, bless his smart and powerful heart.
Idk how much of Civil War I can do because I’ve seen it upward of 12 times and the Boy may not stand for it, but he’s in the shower so I will try.
I’ve said this before but Civil War super drives home the fact that nearly everyone in the MCU is a child soldier with no parents and they’re all just trying to keep it together and failing
Not gonna lie in theaters i forgot all about Crossbones and has to ask my boyfriend why this guy was important when we watched it in theaters.

TY MCU for finally creating memorable villains in only your last three movies and also Loki.
Alfre Woodard guilting Tony Stark into creating a world-destroying robot and subsequently becoming Black Mariah should be goals for every black woman ever. Get your nuclear paper.
“Do you even know where Thor and Banner are?”

-Smash cut to these two delightful bros having the time of their goddamn life with Jeff Goldblum and Tessa Thompson-
Remember when Civil War came out and everyone was like “Ooohhhh T’Challa likes Natasha she’s gonna be the queen of Wakanda” but really Chadwick just is that bitch who has explosive sexual chemistry with everyone
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