i have VERY mixed feelings about the Chun Li video
on one hand I support Nicki connecting with her Japanese roots (she is 1/16 Japanese apparently), however if it were me I wouldnt have chosen a Chinese game character to do that as it reinforces an ignorant idea that we are all one and the same
on the other hand many E/SEA ppl in Western world are unable to wear buns and chopsticks in hair without being stereotyped, fetishisised. struggling to embrace our culture for fear of it disadvantaging us. we are called "chun li" as a diss and are our diverse cultures homogenised
I'm all for POC sharing cultures, cos to me Western cultural appropriation is about the white exploitation/whitewashing of POC cultures. there's a common goal here to dismantle white supremacist structures
however the problem is that even within POC community AAPI/E/SEA ppl experiences are often minimised due to model minority myth, and the fetishising of E/SEA women, and generalisation of Asian culture in general I find is EQUALLY prevalent in white and POC communities
and btw I dont have the solution for this, like I said at the beginning I have mixed feelings. I generally feel positively about POC ppl appreciating Asian cultures however sometimes the end result can make me uncomfortable to the point where its like, is this appropriation?
and before u guys come for me I respect Nicki and am always grateful for opportunities to talk about race. I'm in no way minimising any other lived experiences of racism when I speak of racism towards Asians
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