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According to the theory of “gender identity” (GI), I am now not a “man” but a “cis man”. I, and many others, find this redefinition problematic.

But firstly, what’s a “cis man”?
Most proponents of gender identity define “cis” as simply “not trans”.

Are you trans..? No? Then you’re “cis”.

This definition begs the question:

“Define ‘trans’”?
GI proponents usually define “trans” as “one who’s gender identity doesn’t fit their ‘assigned birth gender’”.

So a “cis man” is a male human who’s gender identity “fits” the gender they were assigned at birth.

This definition begs the question:

“Define ‘gender identity’”?
“Gender Identity” is usually defined as “one’s personal identification with a particular gender”.

There’s a pattern here...

“Define ‘gender’”?
Two groups. “Gender” is either:

1 - *Innate*, with “man/male/masculine” at one end of a “spectrum” and “woman/female/feminine” at the other.
2 - *Socially constructed* stereotypes applied to females (girls/women) and males (boys/men) - aka, “femininity” and “masculinity”.
No prizes for guessing which group the label “cis” problematic.

Group 2s believe gender is a regressive hierarchy of time and space-dependant, male-imposed rules about how male and female human beings “should” look, behave, act - and crucially - is *not innate*.
So to Group 2s the label “cis man” implies a personal innate resonance with masculine traits. But, as should be obvious, we all know “cis men” who would find such a labelling ludicrous. It would be like applying a religious term to someone who is not religious. A non sequitur.
So for me and many other men being a “cis man” is a tricky redefinition of "man" to adopt.

But actually men get off embarrassingly lightly.

The most problematic area of the “cis” concept comes when it’s applied to female human beings.
As with a “cis man” a “cis woman” is a female human who’s gender identity “fits” the gender they were assigned at birth.

What are the implications of labelling not-trans females as having an innate gender identity that aligns with "femininity"?
Under male-dominated society girls are socialised into femininity, for example, being submissive, passive, and gearing themselves towards pleasing men. The term “cis woman” implies such women are okay with these regressive roles. Moreover, it actually normalises such roles.
This is troubling, but it gets worse. As previously mentioned GI proponents define “cis" as simply “not trans”.

In practice this means women are forced to either submit to their regressive gender roles (cis), or that they can “identify” their way out (trans) of such roles.
So here’s the kicker: "Cis" tells a woman the only way to be rid of gender oppression is to abandon the reality of being a woman.

But this is impossible. She'll always be female, so must accept her gender oppression. For reasons that should be obvious, this is catastrophic.
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If someone is happy with the implications the label “cis” imposes, they should be free to use the term. But because of the reasons highlighted above, it *must* be an individual's choice, and not decided and applied by anybody else.

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Men: If you're equally skeptically interested in the concept of gender identity, start with the "cis" concept.

"Cis" applies to you too, as and such, is a nice way into this "debate" (lol) without feeling like, as I used to, it's "nothin to do with me".
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