1. In this thread I'm going to tell a tale. I'm going to generalize things in this story. There are many specifics that I will gloss over, miss or simply not care about. In other words it's a POV from 30,000 ft. I think the story is true. You can decide for yourself.
2. I have found many times in life that we get lost in the weeds. We focus on each detail and are unable to see the bigger picture.
3. Back in the GOP primaries of 2015/2016 it became clear that the GOPe hated/feared Trump. That means the dem side of the uniparty also started to hate/fear him. Why?
4. He represented a direct threat to their entire profession. If someone with money can just one day decide to run for office why would the rich and powerful need the middle men known as politicians? Their power would be gone. Remember this is 30k ft view there are other reasons.
5. So the establishment (uniparty) hated/feared Trump. With every victory that hate and fear grew at first on the gope side of the uniparty but as it became clear he would win the nomination on the dem establishment side also.
6. Along with that growing hate/fear the corresponding respect didn't happen. Many things would be different this day if that occurred. The quickest way to have your enemy defeat you is to not respect him or his abilities.
7. Due to this hate/fear and lack of respect a plan was hatched around the time of his nomination. It was a simple plan. Destroy Trump. That was it. The plan was to destroy his reputation, his wealth, his brand. Remember they all knew he was going to lose.
8. This plan was what they were going to do to him mostly after they defeated him. It was going to make an example out of him. A warning for all others to never attempt this again. A few viewed it as an insurance policy in the highly unlikely chance he won.
9. This plan came from the very top Clinton/Obama. It required actions be taken that only those in gov agencies could accomplish as well as actions only outside actors could do. In other words a grand conspiracy. All focused on one objective. Destroy Trump. Send a message.
10. The plan was that during the election they would brand Trump as a rapist/a pervert/ a sleeze after Trump lost in the general election, no one would rise to defend him, then the elites would tie Trump to Putin and brand him an enemy of the country. A traitor.
11. His brand would be destroyed, his empire dismantled, his wealth taken.
12. The first part of the plan was public. The Hollywood access tape, the fake accusers, linking him to porn stars, highlighting his connections to altantic city and beauty pageants
13. The second part of the plan had to be a covert operation since it required the gov agencies and employees to pull off.
14. People had to be planted in Trump's campaign, nsa databases had to be employed, foreign agents had to be employed, CIA, FBI, state department, DOJ, senators, congress people, courts, judges, media all had to be used.
15. All to be revealed AFTER Trump's defeat in Nov 2016. Everything was going to plan. All the actors and resources were in place.
16. The show trials would have been something to behold. The fake evidence, the monkey courts, the congressional committee hearings all would have shown Trump as a traitor. I would not be surprised if it led to WW3 to try to avoid the economic depression we were heading into
17. Then a funny thing happened, Trump won. Holy hell Batman. The entire covert operation was now open to exposure if Trump took power. The agencies heads would be replaced. They would lose control. Only one man was somewhat protected from being replaced, Comey.
18. They had no choice they had to try to morph the Destroy Trump plan into a palace coup. They tried to stop the EC, the inauguration, confirming people to agencies, and using congressional committees like the Senate Intel to delay Trump from taking full power.
19. They needed to impeach with the fake evidence before the plan was exposed. The only person left in a position of power to execute the palace coup was Comey. The Flynn sting, the leaks all were designed to give an illusion of traitors in the West wing so that Comey could do so
20. Then Trump did the unthinkable, he fired the head of the palace coup. The elites were in a panic. They tried to carry on by naming a SC to execute the coup but the time it took to recover and get everyone in place gave Trump time to consolidate his power.
21. Their hopes of a palace coup smashed over the summer of 2017 the SC job has morphed into trying to save what can be saved and protect who can be protected. Even that is now coming to an end.
22. Now their hopes rest on a blue wave in Nov 2018. I doubt that will end well for them either. The tale is not finished but maybe we are at the end of the beginning. What will act 2 bring?
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