I have this idea: What if every time I finished a strength training workout, I draw a cute chemical element from the periodic table
So after getting some gains, I also get cute chemical elements. Starting with hydrogen, the end goal is to draw Ununoctium (Oganesson)? đŸ€”
Let's start with Hydrogen!
* excitable
* star maker
* wet
Followed by Helium:
* noble
* star product
* alpha particle
Now here's Lithium:
* rechargeable
* mood stabilizer
* may explode when wet
Then Beryllium:
* great alloy
* green
* hyper-allergenic
#oneelementperworkout #Metsona
Now here's Boron:
* superhard
* household cleaner
* metalloid
The metals are girls, so nonmetals are boys! so here's Carbon:
* king of the elements
* 100% organic
* dark
Look at Nitrogen!
* cool
* self absorbed
* breath taking
Here's Oxygen:
* corrosive
* lit af
* essential to life
and then Fluorine:
* dangerous
* most reactive element
* very corrosive
It's been a while since I drew one of these, but it's not over! Here's Neon:
* glowing
* open 24 hrs
* drive thru
Holy crap I haven't done this for 2 months now. Here's Sodium:
* salty
* caustic
* inflammatory
Guess it's meant to be that I don't exercise often, but... Hey! Here's Magnesium!
* flashy
* healthy
* lightweight
Catching up! Here's Aluminum! (forgot the hashtag)
* industrial
* corrosion resistant
* recyclable
And Here's Silicon! (♀♂??)
* semiconductor
* electronic
* sandy
Here's Phosphorus! it's bois again
* flammable af
* match head
* fertilizer
Here's Sulfur! \\o/
* odoriferous
* the smelly
* brimstone
Here's Chlorine:
* disinfectant
* toxic
* salt-forming
Here's Argon! The last man for the row!
* inert
* lazy
* shielding gas
Oh yes I'm back to my forte \\o/ Here's Potassium.
* banana
* fertilizer
* nutiritious
So here's Calcium: (I said too big but it gets bigger!)
* strong bones
* fortified milk
* growth
been long since i did this but Here's Scandium:
* scant
* limited use
* expensive
Here's Titanium:
* corrosion resistant
* high strength
* white pigment
Here's Vanadium:
* steel additive
* essential to tunicates
* wear resistant
took a bit but Here's Chromium:
* stainless
* shiny⭐
* colorful⭐
Here's Manganese:
* irreplaceable alloy
* causes manganism
* enzymatic
Here's Iron! special effort for this important metal.
* steel
* blood
* magnetic
Here's cobalt! TIL its name derives from kobold, which is a goblin.
* blue
* goblin ore
* conflict mineral
Here's nickel!
* magnetic
* anti-corrosion
* alloy metal
You can follow @tastelikecoke.
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