One for every PR media training deck for the foreseeable future.
Another one to add to the media training deck:
Another one. When you’re doing an announcement on reducing carbon emissions, don’t rock up in a helicopter.
Another delightful media training example.

Great technique here taking control away from the interviewer and forcing them to ask the question you want to answer. Top marks.
Media Trainer: "Maintaining eye contact is vital. General rule of thumb is to keep your eyes fixed on the reporter when answering their questions."

This person: "Yes. Eyes. Got it. Easy."
This video is hilarious but the long pause works and I've seen a lot of interviewees (media and job) betray more than they wanted to because of it:
File this one under "Self explanatory media training example.mp4":
Excellent stuff here from Sligo man Dr Michael Ryan of @WHO. Simple and succinct.
When speaking to media, always make sure that your words line up with your actions or you may end up looking foolish.
Top drawer one answer media performance by Dr Rishi J Desai of @harvardmed on Fox News right after Trump press conference - if you listen closely you can almost hear the screams of the Fox producer urging the anchor to wrap it up
58 seconds of speaking while saying absolutely nothing
Effectively communicating scientific data to a non scientific audience is always tricky. Deftly done here by Merkel.
Here's some free media training advice for those worried about camera angles while doing interviews remotely: Always wear pants.
Media Training Tip #14: The "Compare yourself to Jesus Christ" approach rarely works.
A classic in the “Start an answer confidently and hope you’ll find an answer by the end of the sentence” category
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