Lord I'm at a 21st Century Woman event and Akosua Agyapong is speaking as a champion of women empowerment. She's begun with how she disagrees with the idea that a woman can do what a man can do and even better because she has 6 children and it's not a woman who got her pregnant
Also refers to the Bible where women are asked to be quiet and respect the authority of a man.
We've delved right into relationships; R for this, E for that...I- does he insult you or inspire you, up to N- is he nice or nasty?
Yeah. Doing same for EMPOWERMENT. E for emotions.
M- are you matured enough to get to where you want to?
P- potential
O- optimistic, expecting things to turn out well
W- will. Have the will to not chase people's husbands
E- enthusiasm
R- being remorseless. Veered off into dress so you don't attract lecturers
M- manage
E- ensure
N- no
T-trust yourself.

W- wisdom
O-organise your home
M- manage your home
A-let your husband's family adore you
N- neat so that the men will approach you. Talking about how some people visit the Palace and never go again. Palace=vagina
Lmao yeah this has become a sermon on how to attract partners and keep them.
Believe in yourself and be very prayerful.
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