It always blew my mind how much people hated black, female video game characters just for being black, or in their case “boring.”
It’s partly the writers fault for not being able to write black women and to subvert stereotypes, they play it safe, and the character tends to be “boring.”
Which I think is bullshit because there are TONS of white playable characters w mediocre backstories and dialogue who don’t get as much flack for being boring but black girl characters would be ran through the mud for it.
There are probably more examples of this, but one I’ve seen is Rochelle from L4D2 who “replaces” Zoe from the first game. The male characters never were compared to each other, but Zoe and Rochelle were the hot topic.
I don’t really feel like detailing bc its like 10 years old now I feel, but basically: Zoe was the beloved, sweet angel and Rochelle was the boring, unrelatable annoying one.
This sucked bc I being a black woman who loved video games (my fave medium for story telling) and FINALLY seeing someone who looked like me, only to see people genuinely despise her for what seemed so trivial.
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