Debunk The Myth: ARIES isn't always driven and independent, and can be extremely lazy - as they can heavily rely on others to fix whatever current problem they've inflicted upon themselves.

This is a drag thread:
Aries is the CHILD of the zodiac, and they will make this known. They can't react to anything without high-strung emotional levels of irrationalism.

Wanna see an Aries flip their switch? Don't let them get their way, and watch the temper tantrum ensue.
Aries can be extremely loving, but they typically only love in rather self-serving or self-oriented ways. If you are not convenient to love, they will not exert any energy into caring for you.

They will typically surround themselves with people who can help or advance them.
Aries is typically seen loudly talking about an interest that pertains to themselves, and tuning you out the minute you try to talk about anything not directly related to them.

An Aries when you try to tell them about YOUR day for a change:
If you love an Aries you know for a FACT: IF they do not like or want to do something that interests you, they just won't do it.

Love seafood, but your Aries S/O doesn't? Good luck ever finding time to go eat it ALONE.
Also, LET'S NOT CONSTANTLY PEG CANCER AS THE FIRST PERSON TO VICTIMIZE THEMSELVES IN AN ARGUMENT. Ever hurt an Aries' feelings? Wait for the telenovela overdramatization of what actually happened - and standby as all of your friends/family blame you for their wrongdoings.
Just because an Aries isn't typically prone to materialism or shallowness in terms of designer brands, etc. Doesn't mean they aren't incapable of being shallow. Often they are drawn to people with athletic body types, and rarely will they tolerate less.
LAST BUT NOT LEAST: If you weren't so loud and always exaggerating real events, losing everyone's trust in you - your validity would never be constantly questioned. Maybe ask your friends how they feel for a change, instead of getting bored whenever anyone else speaks.
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