I am still VERY tired BUT I WATCHED CONTINUES WITH WINGS and now I present to you a thread of my thoughts/notes - with pictures!!
The opening was so sweet because it was just Yuzu in the center presenting to every side of the rink, welcoming every single person
And during the opening, the kid COULD NOT SIT STILL. He was doing the moves along with everyone, even though he wasn't on the ice
He almost seemed to be tearing up to me when he addressed the audience after the Opening. He talked about how it was the last day of the show. He thanked everyone for coming, and thanked everyone who watched the live broadcast.
He introduced guest skaters in the first act of the show with a video! Each time he described how they are important to him. The each video started with the first picture, and the first guest was Johnny! He skated to Ave Maria and I think Yuzu credits him for the pancake spin.
Takahito Mura was next! I think Yuzu said that he got inspiration for jump technique from him. You could hear Mura's blades right before he started.
Next was Jeff, who I think Yuzu said 'brings energy to every rink/performance'. I love Jeff a lot, and his smile was so pure - you never lost interest. He skated to For Forever from Dear Evan Hansen by the way
Then it was time for what I call the YUZURU HANYU TALK SHOW with first guest EVGENI PLUSHENKO!! He praised Yuzu and Yuzu was very happy/honored. He called Yuzu his hero and said something about the 4A before 'flying' away in the last pic
Also Yuzu said he was really nervous before it started and thanked Plush in Russian!
Afterwards they had video messages for Yuzu and one was from Stephane!! AND THEN JAVI HAD ONE AND PERFORMED 'LIVE'!!! They streamed him skating live in Spain and then the two got to chat!! I'm sure you've seen videos because it was really cute!!!!!
Javi bobbled a little bit and Yuzu definitely noticed, but THEY TALKED TO EACH OTHER AND THEN YUZU DIRECTED THE AUDIENCE IN SINGING HAPPY BIRTHDAY and when he was nodding yes it was really frantic and HIS 'BYE-BYE' WAS THE CUTEST THING
Also in Javi's video message he said that he would always be supporting Yuzu, even if they won't be training together.
Then San-sensei appeared and after a quick performance the did what I like to call MURA-KUN'S JUMP MASTER CLASS!! Mura tried 'Yuzu's Specialty', the counter entry to a 3A. I think he said he practiced it forever and it was really difficult. He also tried 3A from an eagle.
Then Yuko and Alexander peformed, and then Shae-Lynn!! They made sure to credit her with SEIMEI, and then she performed in a marching band-esque costume. AND THEN THE SKATERS CAME OUT AND PRETENDED TO PLAY INSTRUMENTS
Next was Plushy, who they said Yuzu got his haircut from. Yuzu said that Plushy believed in him even after his injury at NHK. Plushy said Yuzu is a skating god. He gave a classic Plushy performance and HE DID LITTLE JUMPS AS HE WAS LEAVING
Nobu agrees that the counter-3A is very hard. Then on the stream they showed Yuzu's surprise performances from the first two days! I think he introduced Ballade as 'treasured steps from Jeff - please watch'.
Then they showed Etude day!! He told the audience to watch for a certain pose, and he made this 'HRUMDF' noise when he did it. The lights were crazy when he did MI2. Either he was really tired or about to tear up when he addressed 3.11 and Kumamoto.
His performance of Etude, 2 seconds in, was already more powerful than any video I remember. Then he did PW and he did a counter into a flying sit spin or something like that. Naturally everyone loved it!!
As intermission ended they showed this schedule!

Part 2 started with what I like to call the YUZURU HANYU TALK SHOW PART 2 - feat. Rena-chan and Miyu-chan!! Yuzu was very kind when he talked to them and was excited to give then high-fives at the end!
Then they had the audience scream 'OMEDETOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU'
Next was the Twitter Question Corner!! They asked about his black blades, the RJ2 pose he did during the Olympics, greetings for his coaches, and feelings of Ballade and Seimei, I believe.
Also during the question about the greetings, he said something like 'Boku mo mita yo' and the first thing that jumped into my mind is that he was talking about all the stuff on Twitter - but I'm not really sure what he meant 😂
Mura performed again! Then Yuko and Alexander performed what looked like a very 80s-inspired performance. AND THERE WAS A SPECIAL GUEST AT THE VERY END
Jeff, Johnny, and Plushy followed - sorry I don't have any pics! But Johnny performed to 'Creep', saying that Ave Maria was for Yuzu and Creep was for everyone. He wore a dress and jokingly hoisted it up as he left the ice.
Then everyone started screaming even though it was dark. I knew it was him. OUT POPPED YUZU IN THE RJ1 COSTUME. He asked if it'd been fun so far and HIS HAIR WAS EVEN THE SAME AS BACK IN THE DAY. He started with Sing Sing Sing and then RJ1!!!!
He mimicked his face from the end of one of the RJ performances and then asked the audience 'Who likes this program?' and I think he also asked who has liked him since Pyeongchang, Sochi, and Juniors, as well as saying 'WOWW' when he saw those who've followed him since Novice
You remember those fierce eyes he has a that one part in RJ1 before it gets really intense? HE DID THOSE
Afterwards HE DID SEIMEI!! Before the lights flashed on the drums before his Choreo sequence, he was moving around in the dark.
---- FINALE ----
The Finale was to Time To Say Goodbye, aka the song from Blades of Glory if anyone was wondering. He did it in the Time Traveler costume and at one point HE 'TOOK OFF' THE PHANTOM MASK!!! Then he stepped off the ice and had everyone applaud the cast.
He then addressed the audience one last time, asked where a camera was, and then thanked TV Asahi. He thanked Nobu and asked if he could hear him. He asked how much time was left, then POSSIBLY hinted that they MAY do CWW in the future, but I'm not 100 percent on the translation
Then he said 'Wow there are 4 minutes left' or something like that. He had this little laugh that was super adorable. hen he said something and the audience was like 'EEEHHHHHHHHH'
Then he wondered if everyone would be able to hear him, and he shouted his thanks without a mic
Then he waved goodbye.
---- END ----
BUT WAIT THERE'S MORE!!! For those livestream folks there was a backstage interview where he thanked the audience again.

After that the stream showed his surprise performances from the show, as well as the Finale.
I was right. CiONTU is the greatest thing since TOI. It was so amazing and so very personal - not only for him, but for the audience. He made it so enjoyable, and I really, REALLY hope it has a revival. I hope all ice shows can be like this someday.
---- One more note ----
All quotes/paraphrasing here are precisely that. I am not a professional translator, but I tried my best to understand and use context clues. Please forgive me for any inaccuracies!
And thank you for joining my thread!!
---- THE END ----
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