I don’t think people understand how much of a disadvantage others are at when they’re the first ones to go to law school in their family. Like ever.
I really shouldn’t be the one to talk bc all things considered, I lucked out but still. Like you’re basically on your own if you’re the first attorney in your fam.

If you’re here to say, imagine this for college, pleas, save your breath and go start your own thread.
Did first-gen law school applicants know that you can play schools off of each other in terms of scholarships? Probs not.

But it’s totes possible and a really good way to get more $$ for law school.
Also, if you have a not great GPA, the best thing you can do is to pour your time into studying for the LSAT bc the LSAT is learnable.
If you’re aiming for more than 165, do not spend your money paying for an LSAT program bc those are for plebs.

It is entirely possible to go from 159 to 170s from just studying on your own.
A better than average at that school LSAT score will get you a fee waiver to apply for the school, so you don’t need to spend $$ paying for applications to your back-up schools. Let them ask you to apply (or in terms of GOT terms, they will bend the knee to have you apply)
Law school admissions is different than undergrad. It’s mostly about the numbers, so your GPA and LSAT really do matter. What school you go to does have an impact on how easy it will be for you to get jerbs and how easy it’ll be for you to lateral to a diff firm down the line.
Admissions stuff aside, there are a lot of things that you won’t know that may affect your career unless someone who is practicing was comf enough to tell you.

A lot of ppl don’t have that person bc they’re the first ones in their family to go to law school, so pay it forward.
So to conclude this rant, don’t assume that the knowledge you have is universal bc it’s not for a lot of first gen law students. Pay forward all info, including salary info and when to advocate for more $$. And in general, do share the rando things you picked up in practice.
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