Hi @stellacreasy. Did not misquote. Said #paygap stats are wildly out of sync w/ ONS stats, which are 9.1% for full-time & -5.1% for part-time. This is a fact. It's not subject to your opinion. https://www.ons.gov.uk/employmentandlabourmarket/peopleinwork/earningsandworkinghours/bulletins/annualsurveyofhoursandearnings/2017provisionaland2016revisedresults You responded w/ the data below. Here's the problem. (Thread) https://twitter.com/stellacreasy/status/980776196530212864
Pay gap did ‘widen’ for women in their 20’s in full-time work last year, as you claimed. You failed to point out that the gap has been mildly fluctuating between men & women for past few years, because gap has essentially closed completely. https://iea.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/Gender-Pay-Gap-A-briefing-1.pdf @stellacreasy
Don’t apologize for that, @stellacreasy, but acknowledge it’s misleading. It is impossible to get a 0% #paygap each year, unless you want to centralize the economy to such an authoritarian level - not even your mates on the hard-left of the Labour party could dream it up.
Perhaps, @stellacreasy, apologize for claiming that all sorts of data has been captured by the #paygap reporting measures that hasn’t been captured. You claimed data was comprehensive enough to make claims about discrimination in bonuses and quartiles. This is not true.
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