On #NationalDoctorsDay, can we talk about how studies and evidence show that doctors deliver better care to White patients than they do Black?

"Stereotypes held by doctors often affect clinical decisions related to patients of certain racial backgrounds" https://thinkprogress.org/racial-bias-affects-how-doctors-do-their-jobs-heres-how-to-fix-it-27b36272f26c/
From world famous icons like @serenawilliams to everyday Black folks like myself, we all have stories in which doctors neglected to execute their training competently, costing us immeasurable time, money, health, and even life. #NationalDoctorsDay 3/
Stories in which doctors looked at our melaninated skin color (and maybe Medicaid insurance), and assumed from there our truthfullness, what contributed to our illness, our living habits, and even the degree to which we could physiologically perceive pain.
#NationalDoctorsDay 4/
When University of Virginia White medical students and residents were quizzed to see how many believed inaccurate and "fantastical" differences like Blacks have less sensitive nerve endings than Whites or that Black people's blood coagulates more quickly..... 5/
"Moreover, those [White doctors] who held false beliefs often rated black patients' pain as lower than that of white patients and made less appropriate recommendations about how they should be treated."

#NationalDoctorsDay ⚕️ 7/
Sadly, in medicine, as in life, White pain matters more.

#NationalDoctorsDay ⚕️
"Patients of color also received fewer recommended treatments for chronic illness, including HIV/AIDS, cancer, and heart disease. Differences in practitioner-patient interaction played a part in widening disparities."
#NationalDoctorsDay 9/ https://thinkprogress.org/racial-bias-affects-how-doctors-do-their-jobs-heres-how-to-fix-it-27b36272f26c/
Doctors take an oath. DO NO HARM. The harm that is being done to Black ppl by doctors is immeasureable:

Loss of wages/earning potenital
Compromised ability to parent
Educational demands+goals unmet
Detrimental self-medication
Mental Health effects of poorly treated chronic pain
Poor outcomes of treatable conditions
Unnecessary spread of controllable diseases
Seeing physicians as uneccessary
Phobia of doctor treatments
Delayed diagnosis due to doctor-ignored symptoms

Doctor subsconcious/conscious anti-Black racism destroys lives. 12/
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