Within the furry fandom is a small group who have been causing trouble. They often claim to be joking, or ironic, but these are simply lies to cover their past behavior and true intentions.
This video captures AltFurry's leader discussing the AltRight origins of the group and why the niche nerdy subculture of the furry fandom was specifically targeted for indoctrination efforts. They've tried DMCA'ing me to bury this audio.
There is a lot of history of these people donating money to and joining neo-nazi groups as well.

Another clip, this one from a now deleted video in which Foxler admitted to such.
There are of course other ties to outside neo-nazi leaders.
Not only are they trying to promote racism, they also organized campaigns to send threats to furry conventions and make threatening phone calls to convention hotels and venues.
Along with that there is other evidence that the groups are used to target and groom minors.
Of course they hate that I keep telling people the truth, so the group has been threatening me and my family for over a year.
One of the reasons I'm making this thread is that nazifurries keep popping up in the news & writers seem to be skipping the effort of research choosing instead crank out 'both sides' clickbait. I hope this very brief thread can act as an introductory stepping stone into the topic
I'm also making it as a pinned thread to hopefully cover the most frequently asked questions I get.
Don't fall for it.
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