Let it be known Officer Peterson who was too afraid to go into the 1200 bldg, had no problem tackling Black and Brown kids during lunch for accusation of drugs and weapons. This has happened in court-yards and in the cafeteria. This has happened so many times where people had- https://twitter.com/nadegegreen/status/979127300557082625
phones consficated. Teachers scolded us for recording, for resisting, for being upset. Mind you these are the same teachers who voted for Trump proudly, who accused me of cheating on tests, who refused to call on me on discussions like if white ppl were allowed to say the n-word
There are biases and gross misconduct, at the time student gov’t maybe only had 3 or 4 black kids maybe less, this never represented our student body. When I walked those halls I hated being there b/c of the accounts of daily micro aggressions from teachers, admin, peers, friends
Black girls are way more likely to go to IS for dress code due their bigger features, so clothes appear shorter on them. Black boys are given harsher consequences than their white peers who are given slaps on the wrist.
Black kids will face these new legislations way harder, the clear backpacks, random searches, teachers being armed. When I know faculty has already proved to be racist, how would they overcome their unconscious prejudice.
Not only Black people are affected, Hispanic Kids, Muslim Kids. Teachers have voiced their stereotypes of these minoritized groups, the teachers rhetoric on terrorism, on immigration, on police brutality is honestly so denigrating to those students.
I bet many Black/Brown teens who have graduated and still attend Douglas can attest for the active racism they experienced within those halls. Note the amount of rallying support faculty has given to white kids vs. the scolding & discouraging they have done to Black/Brown kids
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