A revenue package that will provide for an average $6K teacher pay raise, a pay raise for state employees and education support personnel, and $50M for common education funding, just passed off the House floor.
Is this a perfect plan? Absolutely not. But it's a huge step in the right direction. It doesn't address everything that education needs, but I truly don't believe that any one piece of legislation will be able to do that.
We have been told for years now that there's no way a 5% GPT would pass off the House floor. Tonight, we proved that wrong. This package asked big oil & gas to pay their fair share while also asking less of low and middle income folks. That's a win to me.
To the educators, students, & parents who have advocated their hearts out: You did this. You changed the conversation. We would not have taken up a bill with support employee pay raises or money for classrooms w/o you. Let's take this win and keep fighting for what you deserve.
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