I get worried when new Muslims post their shahadah videos & blow up on social media. We know the cliche "Islam is perfect, Muslims aren't." Nothing proves that quicker than thousands of Muslim followers judging you, flirting with you, or convincing you to join their sect.
I've seen many converts post their stories & videos, gain thousands of followers, then be treated as pseudo-celebrities & spokespeople for Islam. They & the Muslims who promote them often have good intentions, but the harms of celebrity exist for everyone. They aren't exempt.
Controversial take: Stop RTing & liking new Muslims' conversion announcements & videos. The faith of new Muslims is likely in a fragile, volatile state. They will likely make emotionally-charged, well-intentioned, but poorly-informed decisions.
It is not uncommon for new Muslims to promote beliefs that are actually un-Islamic, simply because they haven't studied their religion enough. It also not uncommon for new Muslims to leave Islam, often due to the shortcomings of their new community towards them.
Common issue: A person converts to mainstream, orthodox Sunni Islam. A week later, they convert to Shi'ism, often having done little research beyond speaking w their new Shia internet friends & consuming what they share w them. (FYI this is not takfeer or critique of Shi'ism.)
Common argument: "Sunnis & Shias are the same, we're all Muslim." I'm not saying Shias aren't Muslim, but if Sunnis & Shias are the same, why doesn't a Shia person call himself Sunni? Why try to get a new Sunni Muslim to become Shia? We can have respectful disagreements.
If Shias thought Sunni Islam is correct, they'd become Sunni. If Sunnis thought Shi'ism was correct, they'd become Shia. I believe Sunni Islam is correct, so I would not want someone leave it. It doesn't make me sectarian. I'm not promoting hate or violence towards Shias.
An important rule in Islam: It's better to prevent harm than to promote a potential benefit. Yes, some people might be inspired by a shahadah video, but we've seen time & time again that there are immense harms that come with giving new converts these platforms.
Advice to new Muslims: Seek out reliable teachers in person. Build relationships w Muslims in your community. Avoid the internet spotlight that can misguide people even more knowledgeable than us. Beware of laypeople, no matter how kind they are. They may be more lost than you.
Note: I am speaking specifically about people who are new to Islam, not those who have been Muslim for years & are often more educated about their religion than those who were raised Muslim. May Allah elevate their status in the dunya and akhira, and may He protect us all.
I'd also like to add that attacking or mocking a convert who becomes Shia might be the best way to guarantee that they don't change their opinion. Strive to speak with Prophetic manners & be considerate of people's circumstances, or keep silent.
Dawah doesn't end when a person says their shahadah. We have a responsibility to befriend & care for new Muslims. Yes, invite them for iftar in Ramadan, but also make them a part of your friend circle. They may be more worthy of your time & friendship than your other friends.
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