1. I tired to explain this before & I think I did a somewhat decent job but I want to go at it from a different POV.
2. Our economy as it is basically set up today can not sustain itself. The debt is too high on the gov, consumer, student, home side. Name a side &there is debt
3. However, at the same time our economy is incredibly strong, biggest in the world and the underlying foundation of the economy is also very strong. For instance unemployment is low, investment is high, banking is sound, the government is stable, there are no shortages, etc
4. So what makes the economy incredibly strong but at the same time not sustainable? There were 7 major areas: Obamacare, regulations, taxes, government spending, trade, uncontrolled immigration and energy production.
5. Obamacare was and still is a drag on hiring. It taxed the poor. It was a regressive tax. It allows untold regulations by un-elected officials. In short Obamacare is an economic killer long term.
6. Regulations have grown to the point where free market capitalism no longer exists in this country. Crony capitalism is now king of the hill. This is a recent change. Regulations ushered in massive governmental control and stopped innovation, risk, and experimentation
7. Taxes. Taxes were set up wrong. The progressive tax system is a sick joke. The tax code harmed domestic companies and gave reasons to offshore profits. The harsh taxes made lobbying a cost effective past time. Deductions were out of control. All stifling the long term economy
8. Government spending. Out of control. The entitlements are non sustainable, the interest on the debt non sustainable, the discretionary spending out of control, the failure to spend on military weakened the defense which would place us long term unable to defend ourselves.
9. Trade. Our Trade system is not FREE TRADE. Regardless of what the elites tell you it is not "free trade". It was put into place after WW2 to help the rest of the world. It was kept during the cold war to protect our allies and keep them in our influence.
10. After the cold war, it was continued because: one the world order rested on it and there was already massive destabilization going on. Two, those making profits from it controlled the levers of power.
11. Energy production. Without cheap energy the economy grinds to a halt. If we do not produce it, we have to import it. This leaves our economy long term to the whims of others. It is not long term sustainable.
12. Uncontrolled immigration. This will depress wages and wealth for the people. Now these things can be debated, dissected, and talked to death. The simple fact is any one of the 7 can bring our economy down in the long run.
13. If we get a perfect storm and 2 or more come due at the same time, it could be catastrophic. However, to change any of them you will have losers and winners. This can't be helped. Those with the most to lose will resist changing the system the most.
14. Thus how do you go about changing the things that need change without destroying the underlying foundation and without causing untold misery? Well, you need to take out the lumps.
15. You start by trying to repeal Obamacare. If that fails you get rid of the worst parts of it (like the mandate, regulations etc) and set up other systems to compete with Obamacare. Thus, in several years Obamacare defenders will have nothing to defend.
16. While trying to repeal Obamacare you work at the "easy" things. Things you have the power to change with a a pen and a phone. You start a process of massive deregulation. You crack down on illegal immigration. You change policy to promote energy production in all forms.
17. These things gives the elites more money, it gives the people less costs, higher wages. The lumps are being taken out. The elites love it they are saving money, They can expand their businesses and grow. The people love it, cheaper energy, less mandates, more choices, jobs.
18. The only people who don't like it are the special interests. For them you distract them with small things. You release squirrels for them to chase after. They can not form together to resist you. You use weaponized tweets to confuse them. You took out some more lumps.
19. After doing these things, the elites start to like you & don't think change will be too bad. They support your goal of lowering taxes on them. But you also lower taxes on the people getting them to buy in. At the same time, you change the tax system. You make deductions less.
20. You change the tax system so it's now beneficial to bring profits home, to do business in this country. You took out more lumps.
21. The things you have little control over, you simply state your position and try to hold firm but you give in only to get what you need. So you might have to give in to more spending to get the military sequester repealed. You deal. You don't allow the elites to harm people.
22. So you resist changes to entitlements like social security and medicare but you do allow changes to things like medicaid, welfare where there is an alternative, like jobs. You push immigration changes you don't give in to open borders. You take more lumps out
23. So you have given the elites more money, more freedom more options. They are happy. You have given the people more money and more freedom and set the stage for more jobs. A better life. But it's not complete.
24. You must also change the trading system or the problems will just come back. The jobs will leave, government spending will increase, energy production will falter, taxes will be raised, regulations will be reinstalled as the economic pie shrinks.
25. How do you change the system without destroying it? You make a level playing field. You increase your protection to match others or you reduce yours to match theirs. Those taking advantage will be upset but they will still trade.
26. The companies can soak up the extra costs because of the tax cuts and deregulation. The people can better deal with increasing costs because of increased wages, lower taxes, cheaper energy. You took out the lumps. You also place judges on the court who protect the changes.
27. You continue to add to the changes with things like new infrastructure, better relationships with countries. You continue to fine tune it and take a second bite of the apple on things that were not done completely like obamacare and gov spending,
28. Before you know it the economy is now sustainable and strong. The levers of power have been switched to grow the economy instead of dismantle it. The people and the elites are both getting ahead. The lumps have been taken out. This is basically the MAGA agenda. /end
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