So, Kushner got a loan from Apollo Global Management, which also happens to be the current owner of Academi... aka Xe Services... formerly known as Blackwater - the Erik Prince variety.

And here's something of interest about Apollo’s real estate trust:

One of the largest investors? Qatar.
And if you're bored by the lack of news today and want a deep rabbit hole to dive down, check out this thread:
Now this is a rabbit hole I haven't been down myself, but.... Black was on the RDIF board [Ru Direct Investment Fund], along with Blackstone and TGF heads.

Before they were sanctioned, that is...
But note the parent of RDIF: VneshEconomBank. VEB.

The same VEB that is also on the sanctions list - the VEB Kushner met with during the transition. You know, when they couldn't get the story straight if it was for govt or personal business?
Sorry, those showed up out of order for some reason.
And then, dude, I'm going to go there... remember this thing that explains why the GOP is totally passive towards Trump's fuckery? The breach of SMARTech, the central GOP data infrastructure, by agents of the Russian government?
Rumour is that the death of Mike Connell, the guy behind SMARTech, after deciding to testify to his role in the 2004 GOP Ohio election fraud via a man in the middle attack organized by Ken Blackwell (of Trump's voter fraud commission)....
after he received threats & detected 3 prior attempts at sabotage on his plane...
not only is the rumour that it was not an accident, but that it was orchestrated by one former resident of Holland, MI. Former BW employee swore in an affadavit.

@WMRDC - anything to add?

He just happens to be the brother of America's most famous female child sexual predator, nee Mary Kay Schmitz;
More popularly remembered as Mary Kay Letourneau, a Jr High school teacher who was impregnated by her 12yo student.

Only the best people.

So many pedophiles in the Prince family circle. So much enabling.

Maybe that's the secret to their success. Maybe the water isn't black... maybe it's the mail. Blackwater's rise during Hastert's tenure, I wouldn't be surprised.
And after one last name drop, I'll pick up again tomorrow, because there is SO much more.

If you can find a direct connection between American Ethane and any of the above entities, you win a 🍪
And @geokelley just came across this gem - looks like there was some REALLY disturbing pedophilia in Schmitz's/Letourneau's family.

Not totally clear if it was Schmitz or his half-sibling whose penis was almost severed, though...
And it looks like Schmitz was also in charge of "investigating" military involvement in sex trafficking.

( He didn't find anything. Then got a job as CEO of Blackwater's parent company. Yup. )
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