Anybody know who this is? This man is one of the greatest conmen to ever come out of SA. His name is Mandla Lamba.
Mandla was once known to be SA's youngest billionaire. The country's only mining magnate under the age of 30.
He claimed to have had mining interests locally and throughout Africa. And he also claimed to hold a PhD from the University of Liverpool.
He was also brave enough to say his mentors were current President and First lady of the Republic, Mr Cyril Ramaphosa and his wife.
Cyril Ramaphosa denied knowing nor mentoring him.
Anyways, Mandla was fluent in many languages including Portuguese and some Mandarin. He really sounded well travelled and was a smooth talker.
He was finessed thousands out of unsuspecting Taxi owners after he'd convinced them that he will sell them cheap taxis from abroad, all they had to do was deposit R40k per taxi into his account. He disappeared with their money.
Sometimes he'd act like an Angolan Pilot who was in SA for advanced training. He'd get a metre taxi from ORTIA to his hotel in Sandton, where he'd order a stop along the way to buy items...
The driver would wait in the car while he shops then he'd come out to say his American Express card is declining and he doesn't have Rands. He'd ask for a favour promising to pay the driver with a tip after changing dollars in Sandton.
The excited and unsuspecting driver would give him all his earnings for that day knowing he's gonna make a killing when they get to Sandton.
Upon reaching Sandton he'd ask for the driver to wait for him while he goes to change dollars and even ask for the driver's phone to make a call.
He'd leave with the phone and the money he took earlier from the driver while leaving his bag inside the car. And he'd never return. When the driver starts realising that he was finessed it would be far too late.
And in the bag he leaves behind the car there'd be nothing but maize meal.
He also used to own a funeral insurance business. Where the people who held the highest premium would have Rebecca Malope or Lundi come personally to the funeral to sing for the mourners. 😂
The offices of his Funeral Insurance business were somewhere in Parktown and he never paid his employees there. It is unclear if he ever paid his clients when they claimed.
Around 2011/12 he was all in many publications and radio stations and said to be worth about R2.1bn.
Some years prior, he was involved in an accident which left a father and his 8 year old son dead and he was wanted for that case in addition to other cases of fraud opened by his victims against his name.
He did not only finesse ordinary people but also top lawyer Zola Majavu whom he owed over R100K at some point.
He was eventually arrested in some Restaurant in Sandton and he blamed/suspected Khanyi Mbau of having sold him out as she was the last person he allegedly spoke to before the arrest
I do not know what happened to the cases of fraud and theft against him but he was handed a 10year sentence for the deaths he caused of the Father and his son. Nothing is being reported about him anymore but I think he deserves a documentary.
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