raising ducklings (thread) 🌸
the day they came home at just a week old 💖
trying peas for the first time! 💚
first swim! (mom had a heart attack the whole time and we were allowed .7 seconds in the water) 😂
but we loved being blow dried afterwards because it’s warm!
we were introduced to the bed & now we don’t want to ever leave it! 😂
we’re growing so fast our legs are peeling! ☹️
we outgrew our first brooder so we moved into a 120” kiddie pool that takes up moms entire family room aka the “duck room” 🤣
the kiddie pool is roomy but we can’t sleep next to mom anymore so we scream all night until she comes out here
and she does—at all hours of the night. she doesn’t sleep anymore 🤷🏼‍♀️
we need her attention 24/7 so we lay on her feet/lap so she can’t go to work. it works sometimes 😉
mom calmed down about bath time & we finally figured out how to use our feet to swim! it’s SO cute!
at 2 weeks old we’re already almost twice the size of when we came home!
but we’re still 100% dependent on mom & she’s not allowed to leave. not even to use the bathroom 😅
trying something new to keep us busy! mom wants just 1 minute to herself so we’re getting to know the ducks in the mirror 🤣
i’m growing some crazy poofy feathers on my head that’s starting to look like a crest so moms freaking out but we’re keeping an eye on it!
we’re 2 1/2 weeks old today & twice as big as when we came home! the mirror doesn’t stop us from crying for mom but we still like to cuddle up by the other ducks anyway 😏
mom will try just about anything to get a full night of sleep—even if it means being a psycho & taping a picture of herself in the brooder. (yup, someone really recommended this & said it worked. ducks r weird)
we’re officially 3 weeks old & we’re starting to lose our fuzz to make room for feathers! 😍 (showing off their duck yoga skills 🧘🏼‍♀️🧘🏼‍♂️)
i need to be renamed & mom needs to stop calling me “him” already because I’M A GIRL!! 😍💕🌸🌷🎀🥚🍳
(ok ignore my super close face right now lmfao didn’t know the camera was on me)

but i finally caught some honks on camera from our sweet GIRL! 🎀💕
look at all these feathers coming in!! 😍😍 we’re just getting into our awkward teenager stage & mom is living for it 😂
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