What I am currently struggling to understand is why our police force as a whole is so quick to shoot nd kill an 'Armed and Dangerous' person that has yes to fire a shot, but let's a dude, that just shot and killed 17 people, live and breathe.
Maybe this whole issue goes beyond just gun control and mental health. Someone brought up to me that children these days aren't punished the same as they were 30 years ago. That can't just be the parents fault, can it?
The United States as a society, as a whole, clearly frowns upon punishment. Perhaps, the United States as a whole, doesn't understand the levels of punishment needed for various crimes.
People go to jail, for significant amount of time 4 Distributing marijuana illegally. I get it, it's illegal. One shouldn't do that because it's against the law. But if a person that cells a plant gets the same punishment as someone who murders people, then what?
Punishment needs to be equivalent to the crime committed. And I think that heinous crimes should have the most heinous punishments. Serving jail time for the remainder of your life is not punishment enough for someone who ends life. If anything, it's an easy way out.
This person may or may not get "Life in prison." That in itself is a ridiculous saying. LIFE. In. Prison. Why is it that someone who ends life gets life in return?
All I'm saying, is that if a person ends the life of another human, or commits any other heinous crime against another individual, then their life becomes moot.
The perpetrator of any heinous crime that was committed with any thought or reasoning should no longer get any luxury of life, and to me that includes the simplest of things like breathing.
When someone commits a heinous crime, no matter what they do, they cannot return what they took away. You cannot buy someone who's dead new lungs to breathe. You can't buy someone who's been raped a new brain to think.
I am in the American taxpayer, and I am absolutely ashamed that there are people in prison who have committed heinous crimes that get to eat, that get to breathe, that get to sleep under a roof, for free. They no longer contribute anything to society. And still get to live.
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