you have a brief argument w/your spouse, you claim, "that main guy in Lost was on Felicity" she says, "no, it was PartyofFive". She's proven correct & you immediately complain "can't you give me space to learn?
Now instead of 3 minutes, that argument runs for 3 years w/you mocking your spouse as an blithering MandelaEffect victim up until the moment it can no longer be denied that your spouse was correct the entire time. You immediately complain, "give me the space to learn".
Now it's not your spouse, it's a co-worker who you use "hey, learning here" on. Now it's your grocer who you only see once a week. Your barber who sees you every couple of months. It'd still be obnoxious as hell. And not much different than interactions on here.
But, of course different, bc in reality there won't be a bunch of strangers who will show up & confidently scold your spouse/co-worker/grocer for not being a "patient teacher" despite knowing nothing of their past efforts to educate you in this matter.
So why do it? A sincere "sorry, I was wrong" with a sincere appreciation that you being on your bull ish for months, if not years, makes you catching hell now an outcome you yourself earned must be more effective (in long and short term).
Why is the common assumption among this type that deploying "learning" to flip the script on the person who was right won't drive that correct analysis having person away from the organizing you never shut up about?
I assume you anger them & they won't have much interest in organizing w/you & others who demonstrate they don't think maintaining the correct analysis in the face of consistent criticism is worth any more than a "you need to work harder/smarter/better/more virtuously to teach
these people who spent all this time being wrong while antagonizing you or you're ruining our efforts at change."
even if one is foolhardy enough to take the kind of opportunistic conversions that always conveniently descend on these climbers, why wouldn't you prefer leaders/spokespeople who didn't have to have these miracle conversions to see things your way?
sb "take these conversions at face value"
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