1. So, short story from my weekend in SoCal. I went to the Anaheim Supercross to watch some racing, see some friends and have fun. Everything was going exactly as planned till it was time for the anthem.
2. I did as I always do. Stopped in my tracks, removed whatever headwear I had on and made sure I could see the flag.
3. As I was enjoying the moment, a group of 6-8 “younger” people gathered behind me and began to LOL at the anthem and me making comments such as “ I wish Colin Kaepernick was here”.
4. I turned around and politely asked “Could you please STFU?” Of course they didn’t. What followed was staggering.
5. I was confronted by what I will call a bitch, calling me an “old” asshole that should mind his own business. I then told her friends to get her out of my before she gets fucked up.
6. She continued screaming “what the fuck are you going to do?” I calmly asked the “men” in the group to get this maniac away from me before some does happen.
7. It wasn’t till my friend returned from the bathroom and intervened did they walk away saying things like “please don’t follow us, we don’t want any trouble”.
8. Mind you, I was surrounded, I wasn’t causing any “trouble”. I learned something that night. These “people” have no balls. Stand up for what you believe in because these cowards don’t even know what they’re “fighting” for anymore.
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