Don't let the Names "Indian Boarding Schools" and "Residential Schools" fool you.

Government funded Torture is the Reality.
These are real and they were used on Native Children at Residential Schools.

Yes, they are this small...
I hope People take the time to watch this:

Our Spirits Don't Speak English: Indian Boarding School -
Residential schools didn't hide the intent to KILL the Indian. That was the motto.

"Kill the Indian, Save the Man."
That was The LAW.

Besides Handcuffs for Children - They also Used small Electric Chairs ON NATIVE CHILDREN.
"The way they used to do it was they'd get a bar of soap, and they'd shave it off with the pocketknife, and then they mix it with water. Then that's what you use to rinse your mouth. Don't ever use another word of Navajo."

~Roy Smith - Student at the Tuba City Boarding School
You Would Be Surprised at the Places that Were Formerly Used as Indian Boarding Schools.
Hampton University used to be one, They Even Have Graves of the Buried Children.
So, this is just a small thread that Barely touches all that went on in Residential Schools.
When People make comments about Residential Schools/Indian Boarding Schools without taking the time to acknowledge the Painful Reality...
It should be No Surprise when people speak out.
Residential Schools were in Both the US and Canada.

Again, They were STILL open in the LATE 1990s.
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