Here's a late night hot-take: Kamasi Washington's "Harmony of Difference" isn't even a top-20 jazz record this year. Probably not even top 50. His association with Kendrick is the only reason he's so highly regarded to begin with.
I love the fact that a ton of people who weren't previously fans of jazz are now interested in the music, but it's so fucking funny how his shit's appearing on "album of the year" lists as the lone representation of the genre.
Like pitchfork couldn't step out and maybe incorporate another jazz record in their list? It's all hype, press, and ripping Coltrane, who's been continually copied for 50 years, but because he has some association with a mega-star, everyone cares now.
I remember Fader did a Christian Scott cover story a few years back, great article, and I was super pumped. Like this is where we see jazz branch out. But what have they done since? Nothing. Not even a single mention of anything related to the genre in their year end coverage.
It's there, people like what new, young, interesting jazz musicians are creating today - as evidenced by how quickly people hopped on the Kamasi hype. But these outlets that praise these of-the-moment guys rarely follow through furthering their coverage of other musicians.
Jazz as an art form isn't struggling. There are plenty of incredible musicians still making ridiculously good records, playing shows like crazy, furthering the music. It's the taste-makers who have no fucking clue what they're doing. Well they do actually, they just don't care.
They want the views, and connected musicians, (and/or those who have the image) offer a nice "alternative" to the sorry state of what used to be indie music. But keep it going! Go further!
There's so much there, and God knows the jazz sites and magazines have even less of a clue of how to connect with younger, newer fans who want to go further. /End rant
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