He didn't just support the Iraq War, he relished it, applauded it, wrote books defending it.

He seemed to fantasise about fighting and killing, describing his "exhilaration" after 9/11 and "Osama Bin Laden did us a favour". Of course he never actually got off his armchair.
His attacks on 'Religion' were ignorant & intellectually dishonest.

The pits was arguing Martin Luther King was "in no real [...] sense a Christian."

While Stalin's regime, that murdered tens of thousands of Christians to enforce 'scientific atheism', was really "religious".
Attacking 'religion' in the ordinary sense e.g. Christians, Muslims, and then switching to an obscure private definition e.g. Stalin's USSR was 'religious', is a classic dishonest rhetorical trick. In Orwell's words,
His big book of anti-Religion was rammed with factual errors that displayed his ignorance on history, philosophy, theology, etc. Here's a random selection of a few of them.
But he was a consistent opponent of totalitarianism!

Except when he was quite fond of it. Like Lenin whose "great achievements" included "a secular Russia" and Trotsky who had a "faint, saintly penumbra".

The fact they invented totalitarianism and butchered millions is meh.
What Hitchens was great at was entertaining abuse - Polemic. But most of the time polemic is just propaganda.

It's a sophist's fallacy to think because writing is entertaining that means it's more right.

Oh, and he said some sensible things about 90's politics. That's about it.
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