Ascian art reference pile!

To be added to with additional Ascians as time goes on.
Claw References.
Boot references
Ascian Lahabrea with 3.0 Lahabrea face.
Ascian Igeyorhm with 2.0 Igeyorhm face.
3.0 Igeyorhm
Ascian Pashtarot, 2.0.
Ascian Nabriales
Gaius' masks, restored, drawn by Tuhis as a reference. One seems to represent the mark of Leo and therefore belongs to Fandaniel. The other is unknown, potentially Loghrif.

Will update art pile with official versions when available.
Ascian Elidibus

Note the unique pattern on his unique robes.

You can see his brand on the moon in 3.0! I also attached the full FFXII Zodiark crest to that.

His face is very likely just a placeholder, it's 1s and 0s, but I've added it for completion's sake.
The masks of Ascian Emet-Selch. He has two unique masks in his first form, the second is located on his right arm. The second likely represents Zalera's shamaness.

I requested tuhis draw these.
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