#IAmTheResistance I want to share a story about a kid named Nick. Nick was our landscaper when I was a teenager. He came to the US legally during the summer and owned his own Landscaping business. He mowed our lawn each week and had the most amazing smile and kind eyes /1
When I was 23 I got married in my parents back yard. It was immaculate and Nick had worked so hard to make it the most beautiful setting for my special day. A few days before the wedding Nick was pruning the flower pots I had planted and I joined him 2/
Kindness daily. My heart is full and I will stand on the top of the highest mountain and fight for the right of men like Nick to immigrate to America. I #IAmTheResistance because of those words Nick said to me 18 years ago. Kindness is so forgotten yet so powerful 9/9
Him. I haven't seen Nick in a while but he is a much better man than I married a few days later. He is also way more successful than my ex husband. He was also happy. Truly happy and appreciated everything in his life. That day he made a point to let me know that 6/
My kindness mattered to him. Nick is an example of good in America. Nick is a steward of the American dream. I will never forget Nick's words that day. My parents are well off but I was never taught that I was better than anyone because of money. My heart is always 7/
He smiled at me and said thank you for always being kind. I didn't understand. I asked what he ment. He said the daughter's of the other home owners in our neighborhood didn't see him. Seemed to be afraid of him. He said he knew they thought they were better than him 3/
This made me sad. I always made time to stop to talk with Nick. I congratulated him when he was married and when his children were born. I got to know Nick and what a good kind man he was. That day while pruning the flowers I told Nick that I thought he was a good man 4/
I told him he was good and kind and such a hard worker. I acknowledged the success of his business and I let him know that I appreciated everything he had done for my family. Nick worked for my parents up until last year. I always made a point to chat with him when I saw 5/
Full because of people like Nick. I never understood why my parents let me struggle when they could have monitarraly fixed my problems. I know know that they were assuring I grew up with character and appreciation. I've raised my girls the same way and I see their 8/
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