That Rowling statement, oh boy. But then we always knew the limits of her ‘liberal/left’ leanings 🤷🏽‍♀️
Tbf you don’t write a socially conservative fantasies served over seven books if you are left or liberal
Token brown people? Check.
Foreigner, inter-racial fling? Check
As long as they all marry their own sort of course
Hero’s major talent is sports. And he is NATURALLY fab. Because genetics? Check
Inherited wealth because the hero can’t be just a good working class kid like Ron? Check
Female sidekicks who do the hard work just so the male protagonist can take credit? Check
Closeted gay mentor with an unhealthy interest in pubescent, orphaned, vulnurable male pupils? Check
Only character that is coded as gay is both camp AND evil? Check
Elite school kids going off to run the world of magic, marry each other, reproduce and send kids to the same elite school? CHECK! CHECK! CHECK!
Oh wait, there is also white saviorism! Because knitting and hats!
Moral cred proven by liberating a favourite elf? Check

Btw note that the rest are HAPPY being slaves, miserable when freed!
This isn’t a liberal/left fantasy! This is a racist, sexist, homosphobic, classist, ableist, imperial, slavery apologia. It’s Etonand Oxbridge with magic!
Are we surprised that a world where THAT has been the bestselling series of the past decades has shifted rightwards!? 🙄
Stories are life and death. And yeah, your fav is problematic. AF!
Btw want your kid to read something else, this is one of my favs from when I was a kid. Still have a copy!
There is also 1960s movie which was terrifying for me. But the book is fab. It’s a ‘revolutionary fairy tale’ 😂
Had not included the anti-Semitic coding around Snape in the original thread but just noting it here
And the Cho Chang racism takes on even more significance given her ‘nagini’ bullshit
And then there is the post-books erasure, appropriation, violence towards Native Americans.
At some point, white people will have to learn to stop holding her up as the great liberal left model.

Your love for her says much about you. And none of it good.
And for the record, only nagini that means anything....
Why am I not even vaguely surprised to transmisogyny in Rowling’s box of dodgy views 🤦🏽‍♀️
Rowling qualifying her anti trans views as ‘female trauma is white noise’ is such peak White Feminism™️ #smdh
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