Will tweet some major keys to success lads. Employ all of these and I guarantee you'll become an ice cold killer with an unshakable mentality.
Wake up at 4:00 AM daily. No excuses, just do it.
Take two ice cold showers daily; one upon waking, one before bed.
Pure exhaustion should be the only reason you go to sleep. Never enter your bedroom for any other reason.
Lock down a bar close to you. Know all the bartenders, have them bring you your water disguised as a vodka soda without having to order it.
Unless it has the Un Prophete seal of approval, believe half of what you see and none of what you hear.
Have at least five five/ten minute stories you can tell well. Make them up if you have to.
Learn at least 5 phrases in every major language. Pronunciation is key.
Sleep in a bed constructed with concrete. If you cannot afford one, hardwood floor will do.
Invest in a quality leather jacket, overcoat, trench coat, and cotton navy blazer.
Keep only eggs, milk, and peanut butter in your refrigerator. This will help prevent pleasure eating and force you to go to the market daily to buy fresh food. Will help you to strengthen your hunter instincts.
Take 30mg of Zinc and 500mg of L-Citrulline daily.
Upon waking (ideally 400 AM) and before bed do one set of press ups to failure. You'll get much better over time. My set this morning was 126.
Sleep only three hours per night. Add up to three twenty minute naps throughout the day to keep energy levels consistent. How do you think the rich/powerful get to where they are? Sleep is the biggest opportunity cost of life. Don't fall into the trap.
Never put too much trust in friends, learn how to use enemies.
Toilets are bad and unnatural particularly for shitting. The posture when shitting on toilets puts strain on your intestines. This is the truth, no matter how difficult it is to accept.
Listen to Joe Rogan podcasts frequently
Learn how to track, kill, and butcher wild game.
Never eat rice or pasta. No exceptions.
Master a non-conventional form of exercise such as rock climbing/bouldering, jiu-jitsu, white water kayaking, etc. Will open the doors to different communities & women.

Buy Litecoin after every pay day. Accumulate & hold. Thank me in 5 years.
Have something interesting in your home that people would be interested in visiting in order to see. Flying monkey, rock collection, etc.
Use baking soda as your deodorant. More effective and less costly.
Read about stoicism & incorporate the main principles in your life. Start by reading The Enchiridion.
Wash your anus with water straight after a bowel movement. Carry a water bottle with you if the facilities aren't ideal. Using tissue only will only lead to you booking an anal bleaching session.
Invest in a pair of high quality black cap-toe Oxford shoes. They're timeless and will last a lifetime if properly cared for.
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