5 rules from @simonsinek (my interpretation):

1 you can get what you want if you don't deny others
2 you get credit if you take responsibility
3 you get help if you helped before
4 speak after listening
5 you are not your khakis

You should watch it full:
@danthemanlok 3 lessons for entrepreneurship
- Dominate, don't compete
- Verify, don't assume
- Be somebody, be somewhere, do something
@peterthiel Zero to One
-Build a monopoly, avoid competition
-Start w/ yourself: laser focus
-Do something new, 10x improvement, for a niche, then scale
[get knowledge, shift consumers]
-Network effects, economies of scale, branding
[protect your market]
- Create a category, don't compete at one; easily differentiate
- Niche, not scale; quality, not quantity
- Scratch your own itch, explain it simple
- Measurable objectives, eg start: 1K true fans, track _,…
- Focus: effective & pareto principle
@Bill_Gross how decisive is:
- Timing: 42%
- Team/execution: 32%
- Idea "Truth" outlier: 28%
- Business model: 24%
- Funding: 14%
@garyvee Maybe it's all BS and the only way is working, investing your earnings, and then working some more. A perspective to keep in mind. BTW: Don't forget that it takes working hard *and* smart.

Short pause to mention that this thread is a sub-thread of a parent thread, which may be interesting for you. There are definitively more references, principles, points, and things to consider, with plenty of links. Here: https://twitter.com/trylks/status/1022118575677616128?s=19
Think out of the box:
Normal approach → normal results
Break w/ norms, do things differently & better
Sometimes is not about what you add, but about what you remove
If something is wrong, unnecessary, expensive,… remove it! https://www.twitter.com/PaulWPRulkens/status/1019461744916336640
@BedrosKeuilian (interesting as the centroid of a cluster, IMHO):

1. Find your purpose
2. Be resourceful, relentless, resilient
3. Set higher expectations
4. Own your life

First: Fail small many times very fast. Learn.

Then: Win big a few times committing to them. Invest. https://twitter.com/naval/status/1052856864965152769
You need to check the numbers to evaluate how good your idea is, when are you going to break even, how much are you going to make. If it's not done, it may be for a reason, other people are "creative" too, not just you. Avoid self-delusion & ruin
Market analysis may be point zero, before starting:

- Creation of customer personas
- Value proposition - problem solution fit
- Business development
- Prototyping
- Real customer engagement
- Iterative product development
- Convincing product pitch https://twitter.com/csarasuagar/status/1090594832853188608
Good thread: https://twitter.com/loopuleasa/status/1089862912691396608
Be cheap

It also applies to individuals, a penny saved is not a penny earned, but a net penny earned after taxes

It is still just a penny, though. Earn as much as possible, then *invest* as wisely as possible

It's not about total amounts, but % of ROI https://twitter.com/paulg/status/1160445442464739328
To be successful in the [job] market, don't be the purple squirrel everybody is looking for, be the person they should be looking for and nobody thought of because nobody else is

Then prove it to get the job

Better: get customers, prove valuable https://twitter.com/naval/status/1210087254925836289
Follow @jackbutcher and @visualizevalue

It takes time, talent, and effort to put some things so simply and concisely

More important: laconic wisdom is good for you to read and think about, it is a huge benefit, at a small cost https://twitter.com/jackbutcher/status/1248432257955594240
Creating value may be easier than creating trust (~branding), which you need to put anti-rival goods (e.g knowledge) behind a fence. Focus on what's most relevant as a differentiator

Creating a product that doesn't require you as an active component allows for grater scalability https://twitter.com/jackbutcher/status/1249679306562899969
@RayDalio #principles are all relevant for this thread. I'm not going to copy all of them, this one may be the most relevant here. If you didn't know about them, start here: https://twitter.com/RayDalio/status/1249685706068328449
You can follow @trylks.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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