imagine haru traveling across the country for an intensive training camp. he won't admit he's nervous, but makoto can tell.

during haru's flight, makoto messages a picture of his cute smiling face with a caption that says "i miss you." he hopes it will help haru relax a bit.
haru messages him back as soon as he can.

h: we just landed.
m: did you get my picture??
h: yes. you don't look very sad.
m: i was trying to make you feel better!
h: i feel fine...
m: thanks to my picture??
h: it looks like you're glad i'm gone.
makoto laughs, knowing that haru is joking. he starts to write a reply, but haru interrupts by sending back a picture of himself, smiling just a little, captioned with "miss you too."

makoto's heart flutters.

m: you're blushing, haru-chan
h: it's warm on the plane, that's all.
after that, it becomes customary for makoto to send haru a selfie any time he has to travel away, and haru always replies back with one of his own. there's something special about those single images that are somehow able to hold so much of their love.
one day makoto leaves to buy groceries. after he's gone for what seems like too long, haru jokingly sends him a selfie with the caption "i miss you."

a few minutes later, makoto sends one back of him laughing and holding a fluffy cat.

m: sorry, i got distracted! be home soon!
after that, makoto and haru send selfies any time they're apart, just to show that they're always thinking about each other.

makoto visits his parents for a weekend and sends a pic with ran and ren at the beach. haru sends one back from the balcony of their tokyo apartment.
makoto sleeps in late and wakes up to a picture from haru, showing him kissing makoto's cheek while he was still sleeping. makoto sends back a picture of himself blowing a kiss to haru.
makoto does the cooking before haru gets home and sends a picture of himself and his failed burnt pork. haru sends back a picture of himself holding up a takeout menu.
haru goes to bed early and sends makoto a dirty picture when he can't fall asleep. makoto sends back a picture covering his face, clearly embarrassed. (and then he rushes into the bedroom.)
their wedding day, right before the ceremony. their selfies look almost identical: eyes filled to the brim with tears, soft smiles, trying not to cry (though they both do later on.) at the end of the day, they take a picture together, looking the happiest they've ever looked.
and then they take pictures as many pictures together as they can, a reminder that they will always have each other to love: relaxing morning baths, lying down on freshly fallen snow, late night jogs, cooking dinner, movie dates, at the pool, taking vacations, lots of cuddling.
haru becomes known as that athlete who takes a picture with his husband after every competition. and after he retires, makoto puts all the pictures they've sent each other and taken together into photo albums and gives them to haru as a retirement gift.
they're both emotionally overwhelmed about seeing all their pictures over almost an entire decade. their faces mature and change over time, but the one constant is the way they always look at each other like their hearts are overflowing with love and adoration.
and the selfies continue: moving back to iwatobi, a new house, adopting a dog and two cats, the twins' college graduations, long days at the beach, visiting friends, friends coming to visit, taking over the iwatobi swim club, yearly vacations abroad, and still lots of cuddling.
they continue adding pictures to photo albums, shelves growing heavy. the changes in their appearance get more obvious over the years. wrinkles become deeper, hair gets grayer. and even their love matures, somehow growing stronger even though they didn't think it was possible.
everyone in the neighborhood knows them as that nice old couple, mako-chan and haru-chan, the ones with the garden full of hydrangeas, who take a walk every morning holding hands. they always stop to take a picture together, and they always look so happy.
their walks become slower over time, but it's all right because it gives them more time to cherish each other. and after haru passes away, makoto takes one last picture of himself. it's faint, but you can see he's smiling. he writes "i miss you" and leaves it at haru's grave.
when he gets home, he takes out their first photo album to flip through, more thankful than ever to have it. a picture falls out -- it's the first one haru ever sent him, a small smile and the tiniest hint of blush on his cheeks, and that caption "miss you too."
makoto smiles through his tears and puts the picture in his wallet. his chest aches with a sad fondness, but he knows that he and haru will always have each other to love. for now it's just a memory, but they'll be reunited someday, and he'll keep loving him with all his heart.
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