Here’s one for the boomers: the Beatles made their first recording closer to the pre-jazz age than to 2017.
Hell, Love Me Do is closer to the Teddy Roosevelt presidency than the present.
Pearl Harbor is as close to the end of the Civil War as to today. That one feels really surprising, to me anyway.
George Burns was born closer to the Revolutionary War than the present.
(This one’s my favorite I think)
Margaret Ann Neve, whose life spanned the 18th to the 20th century:
She lived alongside people who were born in the 1600s as well as those still living today.
(added to the thread here:
& here:
Continued the above theme with a mini-thread on The Wedding Singer and Wizard of Oz...
Adding this to the ever-growing thread both for the subject of the QT and my follow-up musings about life-bookending pandemics and the first President Roosevelt...
Also, so it doesn’t get lost in the replies, someone linked to this relevant site...
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