THREAD: ADVICE FOR 1L SUMMER JOBS. As we get close to Dec 1 deadline, some thoughts. Summer jobs are most underappreciated piece of legal ed
1.Summers are all about opportunity costs. There are lots of good options, but key is to recognize what you give up when you take one.
2.Summers are bite size opportunities to do something difft than what you plan to do, exposure to radically difft world. City/practice/etc.
3.So, if you are a dedicated public interest type, you give up learning about private sector by not going to a firm.
4.And vice versa: if you are sure you want to do corporate law, you miss the chance to see how the other half lives.
5.That’s true about cities too. If you are sure you want to live in NYC when you graduate,go somewhere else if you can, particularly after1L
6.I don’t mean to discount the need to prove yourself to an employer/city to get hired.Some public interest shops only hire from summer prog
7.Some law firms do the same (I tend to hire from anywhere, and just try to find the best people regardless of where they spent summers).
8.But even the “proving yourself” rationale applies more to the post-2L summer than the 1L one.
9.So in some ways, the 1L summer is the most impt, because it allows you to try something difft and unique.
10.That means apply to jobs off the beaten path.Be creative. If you love a brand, apply in house. If you love a foreign country, try to go.
11.My entire career, such as it is, wouldn’t have happened were it not for my summer jobs.
12.In my first year, I applied everywhere, didn’t land any private sector jobs, but had crazy idea to apply to Vice President Gore.
13.His GC called me for an interview, said it was the only application they got, and hired me.
14.(His GC later was 100% responsible for my job SpecialAsst to DeputyAG when I finished my clerkships. Deputy was a guy named Eric Holder.)
15.My 2L summer I worked in Solicitor General’s Office (again, the “proving yourself” rationale). Amazing experience.
16.At end of summer, I asked my mentor Miguel Estrada where I should spent 3L summer.
17.His answer: “Go work for John G. Roberts. G for god.” Roberts was at @hoganlovells (then called Hogan & Hartson).
18.I interviewed with then Mr. Roberts. I was a knee-jerk liberal&(absurdly) asked him during interview whether he’d be ok working with me.
19.His answer, one of the most impt lessons I ever had: “That’s why I want you here. I want to know how others think.”
20.I got the job. He was an amazing mentor
21.And it exposed me to a law firm – something I never thought I’d do.
22.And yet, I entered a law firm at the age of 41 for the first time. A firm called @hoganlovells.
23.My job before that was in the Solicitor General’s Office for a few years.
24.And I only got that SG job because the AG of the United States made it happen. A guy named Eric Holder.
25.Summer jobs created everything for me. And opened my eyes to possibilities.
26.Be creative, challenge yourself. Good luck.
27. Not sure if these threads are helpful, but if you found it so, I also did one on advice for law school here. END
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