Good companies beat the competition. Best companies, like Mushrooms, make the competition irrelevant. Let's deconstruct with an example.
Imagine you've to sell your ballpoint pens against an existing market for fountain pens. What would be your strategy to win the market?
One, target the kids and tell them that ballpoint pens will make the handwriting better. Reward those with good handwriting.
Never worry about the fact that good handwriting has no correlation to success in life. Just spread the good message everywhere.
Next, encourage schools to discourage fountain pens. Punish kids who bring them. No kid wants to be left out, and they'll convince parents.
Approach the Supreme Writer's Court to file a case against environmental impact of ink used in fountain pens. Make ink quite expensive.
Further, this would also set the stage for legally banning fountain pens. Meanwhile discriminate fountain pen users by their nibs and caps.
Say that those with gold-plated nibs have fooled those with plain nibs for generations. Target the plain nibs to use ballpoint pens now.
While the other fountain pen users are struggling to pay for their ink, approach the pencil users. Invite them all to an event of fun.
Play a drama where a pencil user write madly, and when she used a ballpoint pens, she is miraculously cured of her bad handwriting.
Now all those pencil users are your customers. Give them a bag of papers to keep them happy. Replicate this success elsewhere.
Marketing is key, too. Approach prominent personalities and give them a free ballpoint pen. Ask them to show it in their ads and movies.
There would always be dumb fountain pen users who would think that the prominent personality is also a fountain pen user. How to do this?
Make your ballpoint pen look just like a fountain pen. In fact this is how you make the competition work for you. Who said copying is bad?
If there are still fountain pen users around, don't worry. Their progeny would never know what a fountain pen looked like. Happy Selling!
So you see, if you think running a business is as easy as selling a product, you would need a couple of red pills to thwack your brain. /END
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