1. The speech by Pres Bush this week was an prime example of the non-reality based thinking of the elites. Let's look at some examples from the speech:
2. First up "The great democracies face new and serious threats – yet seem to be losing confidence in their own calling and competence. Economic, political and national security challenges proliferate."
3. The "great democracies economies are stable at the moment. Trade is an issue but nothing that will cause a massive depression tomorrow. Politically all the Great democracies are stable. Many are going through changes in leadership but again not a serious threat.
4. A case can be made that some national security concerns are very serious. Like North Korea, Iran and internal terror threat. Any of these could spin out of control quickly. So the elites are right about 1 out of three. So why did Bush include all three?
5. Bush did it because that is what elites do. They wish to scare the population into thinking the sky is falling so we allow them to "save us" and not think rationally. These elites have been doing this for decades.
6. Another example of elite "thinking" : "Free nations are less likely to threaten and fight each other." While this may be true it is based on the fact that at the moment and since WW2 the "free nations" have been in an Alliance against the non free nations.
7. When that alliance is no longer needed and all nations are "free", humans will go back to threatening and attacking other "free nations." This was seen before ww2 for hundred of years. Human nature hasn't changed much.
8. Example #3 "free trade helped make America into a global economic power." The fact that America was one of the only intact countries after WW2 was more of a reason for our global economic power. Also the $ was adopted for world currency backed up by a military second to none.
9. Free Trade policy was adopted by the USA not just for economic reasons but also to keep countries in our sphere of influence after WW2. To help their economies so the USSR would not be able to take them over. Strong economies were important to stop the spread of communism.
10. When the Berlin Wall fell those "free trade" policies were called into question and morphed to more of an economic policy yet the unequal nature of those "Free Trade" policies were left in place leading directly to the present debate over "Free Trade"
11. Example #4 "No democracy pretends to be a tyranny. Most tyrannies pretend they are democracies. Democracy remains the definition of political legitimacy. That has not changed, and that will not change" Fact: There are many governments not democracies that are Legitimate.
12. China is not a democracy. Does anyone think President Xi and the Chicoms are illegitimate? Does anyone think Russia has an illegitimate government? Both are members of the UN security counsel. In short Bush's words are meaningless dribble. On their face they are untrue.
13. Example #5 "They are further complicated by a trend in western countries away from global engagement and democratic confidence....and deep questions about the meaning and durability of the European Union" The EU is not democratic. It is a small elite group.
14. Bush wants us to believe a move away from the EU and world bodies are moves away from democracy when it is the very opposite that is true. A move away from a small elite group controlling the lives of billions towards local control is democracy in action.
15. Example #6 "America is not immune from these trends. In recent decades, public confidence in our institutions has declined. Our governing class has often been paralyzed in the face of obvious and pressing needs." The USA is not suppose to have a "governing class. "
16. In fact the concept of a governing class is the antitheses to the the concept of a Republican democracy. In our government the people are sovereign not the "governing class" It is this attitude by people like Bush that is the problem.
17. Example #7 "We’ve seen nationalism distorted into nativism." Bush & the elites think of nationalism as nativism. They can not even begin to understand the concept of citizenship and the rights and obligations that brings with it.
18. "According to our intelligence services, the Russian government has made a project of turning Americans against each other. This effort is broad, systematic and stealthy, it’s conducted across a range of social media platforms." Where to begin....
19. Bush just spent the entire speech arguing that we are turning away from democratic traditions then with the example above he says we should be afraid of free speech...These people are insane. The elites are upset because Russia is using free speech against them
20. Think about this for a second. The elites are losing the debate so their answer is to limit free speech instead of changing their actions so they can win the debate. You either believe in free speech or not. If Russia is using Propaganda then fight it with MORE free speech..
21. ...not less free speech. The same goes for any radicalization. You can not win the hearts and minds of people by limiting speech. You win them through debate, education and actions.
22. Example #9 "But we can’t wish globalization away, any more than we could wish away the agricultural revolution or the industrial revolution" this is also hogwash. The ag and industrial revolutions were technology advancement. Globalization is a human construct. Not the same
23. Globalization is the same as the creation of the Nation State. Both were formed for their own reasons. If at any time these human creations are not serving the needs of the people they can be absolved and new guards can be placed on our future.
24. That is after all the central meaning of the Declaration of Independence because our God given rights to life liberty and pursuit of happiness Trumps any human creations of a system of government.
25. Example #10 the big lie "Our identity as a nation – unlike many other nations – is not determined by geography or ethnicity, by soil or blood. Being an American involves the embrace of high ideals and civic responsibility. " pure bullshit
26. Our Nation is determined by borders. Our rights can only be protected to those borders or as far as our military can secure them. Our Constitution is only the law of the land within those borders. In other words our nation is defined by geography & that geography is defended.
27. If you are born within those borders or to a citizen you are automatically granted citizenship of our nation. Citizenship can be earned by immigrants but it is also a birthright. It is indeed passed by blood. That does not make those that become citizens less or different.
28. Our identity as a nation is indeed tied to blood and soil, however; we as a people are open to all who wish to become fellow citizens. That doesn't change the underlying facts on the identity of our nation.
29. The elites think the problem is that the people are turning away from democracy. However, the real problem is the elites have turned from democracy and think that rule by the elites is the answer. This has allowed our enemies to widen the cracks in our society.
30. For democracy to work the elites need to step down and allow the people to pass the agenda and polices that the majority want, Not the agenda and policies the elites think best.
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