A week-end nugget to ponder: Kremlin and US media.


1. So, we get active measures by now, right? We get how good Russia is...
2. at infiltrating social media platforms with their tactics and message. We get the idea of Kremlin spies - that their goal is...
3. to infiltrate USIC, LE, industry sectors. We get all that right? It's confirmed by history, by recent efforts, by reality.
4. The Kremlin sends assets into our institutions to infiltrate them for two reasons: to gather intel &/or to spread their own message.
5. Even better method? TURN an asset already within the institution.

We get this, right? There is no DISPUTE over this tactic, whatsoever.
6. So, I ask: Do you really believe that U.S. journalism is not a Kremlin target?

Think about it.
7. If you were Putin (or any of his predecessors), wouldn't U.S. journalism/ media be a prime target for infiltration? To both thwart...
8. investigation of your own dealings &/or influence your enemy's population to be sympathetic - if not outright helpful to your intentions?
9. This is the whole point of active measures.

Next question in line: If you're Putin, which reporting sources would U target first...
10. ... & foremost? Would it be bottom of the barrel Brietbart & Enquirer? Sure. Why not. But you would also go after the crown jewels, no?
11. You'd seek 2 influence the REAL sources of investigative journalism. Get your "guys" in there...
12. Get your message to come from the most respected voices in MSM.
Have top-level insiders feed U info on stories being pursued...
13. Influence. Thwart. Redirect.
Influence. Thwart. Redirect.
That's the goal, if you're Putin.
14. So, every time you watch a little CNN, or read a little NYTimes, I want you to think of that.
K? 😉

- END -
CODA ('cuz you knew it was coming')

15. What's the most sophistication tactic within active measures? To hit your own asset...
16. ...as if they're your enemy.

Who does Trump target hardest? Fake News CNN & Failing NYTimes get the tweets, memes, & sound bites...
17. But every time I turn them on/open their pages, I get plenty of Trumpian apologists.

Active Measures is an art form, & Putin is Picasso
(That's supposed to be "sophisticated" in thread above. Damn you auto-spell!)
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