For every like I will share a fact about anti-fat bias.
Fat students are deprived places on honor rolls and are denied letters of recommendation. Source: National Education Association, 1994
2. High school counselors are less likely to encourage fat students to apply for college. Source: C.S. Crandall, 1995
3. Landlords are 50% less likely to rent to fat people. Source: Karris, 1977.
This is depressing I'm going to try to make this more cheerful
4. The fatter a patient is, the more likely a surgeon is to leave behind sponges or surgical equipment in them. (Gawande, Studdert, Orav,
Brenner, and Zinner, 2002)

This isn't cheerful enough yet
5. Mental health professionals are more likely to evaluate fat people negatively. (Agell and Rothblum, 1991)
6. Women who weigh more than average sized women make 7% less in salary and are routinely turned down for jobs. (Cawley 2000; Roehling 1999)
7. Fat kids face greater ridicule from gym teachers than their thin counterparts. (Rimm & Rimm 2004)
Forgot a cat gif. They weren't really cheering me up anyway
8. 93% of hr professionals said they would hire a straight sized person over a fat applicant with the same qualifications.
9. 15% would not promote a fat employee.
10. 1 in 10 think it's acceptable to fire an employee for being fat.

(8, 9, 10 source: Fattism Rife in Business, 2005)
11. Fat women earn nearly $7k less in annual income than thin counterparts (Gortmaker, Must, Perrin, Sobol, & Dietz, 1993)
12. Girls as young as 5 fear gaining weight. (Davison & Birch, 2001; Irvine, 2001; Richardson, 1971)
I have more facts but my phone needs to charge charge​a bit.
13. Nurses hold negative views of fat patients. (Brown, 2006; Maroney & Golub, 1992)
14. Fat people are a third less likely to receive breast exams, pap smears, or gyno exams. (Fontaine, Faith, Allison, & Chetkin, 1998)
15. Fat men are 11% less likely to marry, fat women 20% less likely. (Gortmaker et al 1993)
16. The more a person weighs, the more likely they are to risk death for weight loss. (Wee, Hamel, Davis, Phillips, 2004)
17. The biased attitudes of health care providers put fat patients at greater risk (O'Neil & Rogers, 1998)
18. One fat man was told for a decade to just lose weight to get rid of his abdominal pain. They finally removed a 55lb malignant tumor.
18b. Source: "Overweight" Man, 2005, The Evening Standard
19. Fat men are half as likely to have completed college than their thin counterparts. (Gortmaker et al 1993)
20. Fat and thin people scored the same on intelligence tests, but intelligent fat people were more likely to end up impoverished (ibid)
21. Chronic dieting is linked to increased blood pressure, depression, eating disorders (Blair, Shaten, Brownell, Collings, & Lissner, 1993)
22. In the United States there is only one state where you can't be fired for your weight. It's Michigan.
23. Colleges are less likely to accept fat applicants than they are thin applicants. (Crandall, 1995)
24. Study by Gallagher, Tate, McCologan, Dovey, and Halford (2003) participants were asked to give impressions of a thin man w a fat woman
24b. Described the man as "miserable, self-indulgent, passive, shapeless, depressed, weak, insignificant, and insecure."
25. Fat people who need organ transplants may be told to lose weight to be eligible. (Hasse, 1997)
26. Physicians view fat patients negatively and avoid spending time with us. (Hebl & Xu, 2001)
27. BMI studies fail to account for mediating factors, including socioeconomic status, sleep quality, exposure to fatmisia (Burgard, 2009)
28. Correlations between BMI and health issues are typically at most r=.3 (ibid)
29. Turns out that 300k deaths a year statistic is really wrong. (Flegal, Graubard, Williamson, and Gail 2005)
30. Wyeth-Aeryst, manufacturers of phen-fen, obtained FDA approval through HIGHLY dubious means (Mundy, 2001)
31. They had a blatant disregard for public safety even after the deaths. (ibid)
Take a breather. Relax. Almost to fifty.
Only like 120 until we're done. Gonna start just doing quotes soon rather than stats.
32. People who begin dieting before age 14 have, on average, the highest adult weights. (Ikeda, Lyons, Schwartzman, & Mitchell, 2004)
33. In the same study women reported they believed their weight contributed to low self-esteem
34. Fat women report hurt, anger, humiliation at being accosted, shamed, jeered at and fatcalled from people of all genders.
35. Insults happen on the street, in classroom and work settings, in shops and restaurants. (34, 35: Ansfield, 1998; Goodman, 1995; Hannah,
35b. 1983; Wann, 1998)
36. Female student athletes are humiliated and terrorized by their coaches. (Lenskyj, 1992)
37. Abuse includes public weigh ins, "fat lists" posted publicly, and public "fat pig" awards. (ibid)
38. "This mistreatment can trigger eating disorders and extreme dieting in athletes eager not to be cut from teams." (Royce, 2009, p 155)
39. Fat women who have been sexually assaulted disclose cops refuse to take their reports (Goodman, 1995, Mabel-Lois & Aldebaran, 1983)
40. My fat ass has literally been told I should be grateful I was raped. Seriously. Source: fuckin me
41. Many battered women report that verbal abuse is the most damaging weapon in their batterers arsenals. (Walker, 1979)
42. Heterosexual male partners often routinely critique their fat partners bodies (Doris K. 1983; Koppelman, 2003; Levy, 1983)
43. In the Sixth Circuit, if you can't prove a medical cause for your fatness, it's not legally a disability. Even if it disables you.
43b. Source: Solovay and Vade, 2009, p 170
44. Using the Modern Racism Scale, Crandall (1994) found a correlation between anti-fat bias and racism.
45. Men view fat women as "easy targets" for sexual encounters. (Prohaska and Gailey, 2009)
46. People freely express prejudice against fat people. (Myers and Rothblum, 2004)
47. 63% of girls (middle and high school aged) defined as "obese" report experiencing weight based teasing.
48. Of the boys defined as "obese" 58% reported experiencing weight based teasing
49. Of those teased 28% of girls, 16% of boys reported family members as the source of the comments.
50. 63% girls, 24% boys reported peers as the source.
51. Almost 15% girls and 10% boys reported both as a source
Source 47-51, Eisenberg, Neumark-Sztainer, & Story, 2003
Jiminy Cricket, over 200. Well, I'll go until I'm tired or distracted lol
It me, sleepy, I break for essay and return later refreshed.

I just want to keep a source on each of these and I'm a little wiped out mentally lol. I guess I CAN'T do this all day. More soon though. đź’ś
Srsly, we haven't touched on the state taking fat kids away, the treatment of fat trans people, perceptions of guilt, intersections of race.
I think I do literally have 200 facts at least. We'll see. đź’ś I'm glad you're all interested in this subject.
Also, hey, lots of you have been quote tweeting with some personal stories and I want to thank you for sharing that. Your experiences matter
I can't always respond to everyone but I want you to know: you matter, what you survived is real, I hear you đź’ś
One thing I know about anti-fat bias is that (52) it's really easy to feel unstable, at least for me. Because people act like it's fake.
I'll experience stigma, tell someone about it and they'll either locate the problem on my body ("just lose weight") or tell me I imagined it
Source is just frickin me again
I am definitely awake enough to be going through this kind of traumatic shit. need coffee
55. The failure rate for sustained weight loss is 90-95% (Nat'l Institutes of Health Technology Assessment Conference Panel, 1992)
56. By 2004, $46B was being spent annually on weight loss products and programs, not including weight loss surgery (Gibbs, 2005)
57. Bias against fat kids has increased 40% since the 1960s. (Latner & Stunkard, 2003)
58. Wyeth-Aeryst was a key supporter of US surgeon general Koop's 1995 Shape Up America! campaign.
59. When Wyeth-Aeryst had their drugs recalled, Shape Up America put out a press release saying "the war on obesity must continue"
58, 59 source, PR Newswire 1998
This is fun, right. I feel like we aren't having enough fun.
60. At the same time Dr. Pi-Sunyer was chairing the NIH Task Force on Obesity Treatment, he was offered payment by Wyeth-Aeryst to put his
60b. name on research papers (written by the company) speaking favorably of phen-fen (Birmingham, 1999)
61. "The few studies of mortality among people who voluntarily lost weight produced inconsistent results;
62. "some even suggested that weight loss increased mortality." (Kassirer & Angell, 1998, p 52)
63. 19th century racist discourse distinguishes between Jewish people and gentiles by the "fact" the former is fat. (Gilman, 2004)
64. Fatness is impoverishing. (Sorensen, 1995)
65. Fat young people are no more likely than others to have chronic health problems. (Gortmaker et al 1993)
66. For individuals with equivalent social status, there's no significant increase in risk of death from fatness. (Ernsberger, 2009)
67. Once socioeconomic status is taken into account, being underweight is a significant contributor to excess mortality. (ibid)
68. "Although patients are highly likely to fail, doctors are told to keep the pressure on them to lose weight
69. "despite hypertension, depression, weight gain over time, and other risks associated with weight cycling." (Lyons, 2009, p 79)
70. In Arkansas, kids have their BMI listed on their report cards. (State of Arkansas "Child Health" 2006)
71. In 1973, Bruch linked fatness in children, particularly boys, to effeminacy and homosexuality and people still believe that shit.
72. Fat children can be taken from their parents under the guise of child welfare. (Boero, 2009; Solovay and Vade, 2009)
73. I just want you to think about how a fat kid feels when they learn their family is being broken up because they're fat.
74. Interstate air travel is specifically excluded from Title II of the ADA (Southwest, 2006)
75. Women who experience anti-fat bias are more likely to blame their weight than their abuser. (Crocker, Cornwell, & Major, 1993)
Consider buying me lunch please 
I have more facts for you, I'm just very hungry and tired.
76. In 2006, Delta Zeta sorority kicked out every fat and/or non-white sister a week before finals. (Farrell, Fat Shame, 2011)
77. In 2003, journalist Frank Deford wrote a commentary saying fatness is a greater threat to America than al-Qaeda and North Korea.
78. A two year study completed by Bacon and assoc at UC Davis showed a HAES approach had better health results than traditional dieting.
79. Fat stigma has roots in sexist and racist rhetorics. (Farrell, 2011)
80. Researchers admit that weight based barriers to care may "account for some of the increased health risks correlated with higher weights"
80b. Source: Fontaine, Faith Allison Chetkin 1998)
81. Parents are less likely to pay a fat daughter's college tuition. (Crandall 1995)
82. Straight sized kids who fear becoming fat may eat too little, slowing growth and delaying development (Pugliese, Lifshitz, Grad, Ford,
82b. & Mark-Katz 1983)
83 After playing with GI Joe dolls, boys are more likely to starve themselves, lift weights compulsively, or take steroids (Pope et al 1999)
84. Teens who think they're not the "right" weight are more likely to contemplate and attempt suicide.
84b. (Eaton, Lowry, Brener, Galuska, Crosby 2005)
85. When fat people engage in diet talk around shop clerks they are treated better than when they show pride in their bodies
85 source: King, Shapiro, Singletary, Turner, & Hebl 2006
86. People who are considered beautiful on average get a 5% salary bonus (Hamermesh & Biddle 1994)
87. People considered ugly earn 5-10% less (ibid)
88. College and university professors receive higher ratings in student evaluations when they are considered attractive (Hamermesh & Parker,
88b. 2003)
89. Researchers who specialize in "obesity" harbor negative stereotypes about fat people, such as that we are lazy, stupid, and worthless.
89 source Schwartz, Chambliss, Brownell, Blair, and Billington, 2003; Teachman and Brownell, 2001
90. 12% of well educated women report delaying or cancelling dr appointments bc they will be weighed (Olson, Schumaker, & Yawn, 1994)
92. Even with health insurance, fat women avoid Drs because of disrespectful treatment, embarrassment, harassment, and not fitting equipment
92 source Amy, Aalborg, Lyons, & Keranen, 2006
93. 1/3 of people considered "obese" would risk death to lose 10% of their weight. (Wee, Hamel, Davis, Phillips 2004)
94. Fat employees are not less conscientious, less agreeable, less extraverted or less emotionally stable than other employees
94 source Michigan University and Hope College
95. 43% of teachers agree with the statement "most people feel uncomfortable when they associate with obese people."
96. Stigmas can cause people who who perceive a stigmatized person to feel anxious and threatened (Crocker, Major, Steele, 1998)
97. Cesare Lombroso performed forced examinations on "criminal" fat women to prove a link between fat and criminality in 1893. Source: him.
98. The term "steatopygia" comes from the figure of the enslaved Saartjie Baartman, who was imprisoned and displayed like an animal.
99. Upon her death, she was dissected by Georges Cuvier, a "scientist" out to prove a link between fat and "uncivilized" races.
As a sad aside, her remains were not returned to her homeland until the 1970s. Source for this, 99, 98, Farrell, Fat Shame, 2011
100. Stories of weight discrimination, like the previous tweets, reduce anti-fat bias only in people who are fat. (Teachman et al 2003)
That's a good round number and a good place to stop but remember I could go on.
Since people have asked me why I haven't done more: You can find this information and more explained in-depth on the hashtag #FatStudyGroup where I and others provide free education about fat studies. Seriously.
Update: as of summer 2019, a Washington state supreme court decision has ruled that "high BMI" falls under the disability employment protection laws, making it two states (and a handful of cities)
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